Gorou x Fox! Reader

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Me: 0v0 some spoilers maybe? I can't- I legit simp for to many Characters- And LOOK AT THE PIC-

Kazuha: simp-

Me: yea I know Kazuha 0v0 I simp too much

Kazuha: yup!-

Me: let's begin 0v0

Kazuha: yup *pats head*
Italics- flashback
Bare with me for their ages since we don't know their ages-
My eyes widen as the Traveller grabbed the Pyro vision that Baal was taking away from Thoma, the Traveller used their Electro and knocked out the two guards That had tied Thoma up and quickly untied him. I was shocked that someone like the Traveller could use electro without a vision, I was still trying to figure out why she was stealing the visions...

<after some time>
"Are you okay?"

"Mhm... I think so" Mumbled the Traveller. My ears perked up at the sound and quickly hid myself not wanting to be seen.

"Yea But the question is are you okay? You got knocked out and I had to save you" Said Thoma, I heard the Traveller shout at him.

"I see you've met Thoma" I heard a familiar voice.

"O-oh! Kazuha!" My ears perked up at that name and I nearly fell out of the tree but kept my composer, the talking stopped so I stopped too.
"Uhm.... let's ignore that" I sighed in relief.

"Yes But something is clearly following us" I silently growled.

"And you clearly made her angry" sighed the familiar voice, I stopped growling making him laugh?
"So it is you, isn't it?"

"Who are you on about Kazuha?" Questioned the Traveller, I knew who was who now...

"Ah... a friend that I know..." Said Kazuha.

"Ah... Okay!"

"Yo Gorou!" Shouted Thoma, my ears twitched at him shouting so sudden.

"Oh Hi" Mumbled Gorou?

"Okay before we start talking" began Kazuha, he came towards the tree I was hiding in and threw a stone at me making me fall off the branch and land on my butt.
"There we go" I growled lowly at him.

"Uh Who are you?" Questioned the Traveller.

"Her name is Y/n, also a part Fox as you can see she just not into meeting new people" introduced Kazuha to them, I stopped growling making Kazuha laugh again.
"Y/n this is Lumine, Paimon, Thoma And Gorou"

"... nice to meet you... I guess" I Said.

"Nice to meet you too!" Said the energetic pixie.

"Don't mind Paimon" Said Lumine, I nodded my head my ears twitching.

"Right let's go somewhere.... more private, Gorou Y/n can you stay outside since you can like hear" Said Kazuha, I nodded my head whilst Gorou Said Okay. They went inside to talk about something.

"...." I yawned rubbing my eyes and laid down with my back on the tree, my tail laid flat on the ground and my ears flattened i yawned again since I didn't go to sleep for days.
It was very awkward silence apart from the bird tweeting, Gorou came towards me and sat down next to me his ears kept on twitching.
"Hi... Gorou"

"Mhm it's nice to see another fox" said Gorou, I shrugged and my tail started to swish from side to side.
"So..." began Gorou, I tilted my head.
"How come I never met you?" Asked Gorou, my mind went blank for a second and then i realised I knew him but kept quite.

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