Starbeam and Moondrop

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I'm putting these two together because they pretty much go together

* They're twins, Siamese, around 30 in human age

* Star is a tom and Moon is a queen

* Both are part of the Moonlit tribe, but they're the only Moonlit who don't permanently live in the old buildings

* They belong to a rich family, both of them are quite posh and always impeccably groomed, but love the tribe

Starbeam (human name - cat name is Alexiares)

* He mixes with other members more than his sister, gets along fairly well with Anu and likes kittens though he would never admit it to Moondrop

* Bossy, likes things to be done the way they were planned and is not one for improvisation

Moondrop (human name - cat name is Pasithea)

* Doesn't mix much with the other cats 

* Very deeply loves Lady Felegrine towards which the twins have a debt

* Hates Anu and especially hates that she's close to Starbeam

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