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Idk if i can keep writing this story,

I absolutely love the story and all my readers, but i got a few really hurtful comments about my spelling. To be 100% hounest my spelling IS an insincerity of mine but i dont mind if you politly point out my mistakes so i can fix them later on. But i got a comment that told me to "go back to school" when i am A)still in school B)have very little control over how i hear/spell things.

Dyslexics spell things phonicly (no idea if i spelled that right lol) witch means we spell things baced on how they sound. So like for Paimon or Pimon, it sounds correct when you say it outloud. But imagine how that works in the English language, where there are a billion rules and two hundred acseptions to the rules.

Its hard, I used to be heavily bullied because i couldn't read or write, now i can read and ive been working on my spelling so that i can persue my dream of publishing a book. This isnt just some side gig i do for fun, writing is my passion, its the best way for me to express myself, and for people to not even give me a chance because i was born with a small defect- it makes me wonder if people in the real world will actually listen to me. I work my ass of trying to spell correctly, i have autocorrect and i do things to the best of my abilitys.

The school system is biult for the average person, Dyslexics arent average, meaning we struggle in school most the time, most Dyslexics arent even identified because people just think they arnt working hard enough or dont care when in reality, kids with Dyslexia could be working harder than anyone in the class but still come up short by a lot.

For a Dyslexic kid to not only over come the LARGE hurtle that is reading, but also find a passion in the other side of the hurdle writing. Thats hard, each dyslexic is different this is just my experience and the refrenced i studyed.

To put all this in perspective im going to write an excerpt explaining a breef section of my life, and i want to know how yall would feel if it were you:

1st grade y/n sits at their desk ready for class, everyone around complaining but y/n dosent see the problem. School was fun, learning things about the world around them? Sounded wonderful.

"Class lets get out our books and go to our little groups!"

Y/n picks up their book smileing as they proudly march over to the carpet by the door, where their group met. Each student given a section to read out loud for all to hear. When they reach y/n, they stare at the page, the letters dancing around as though music played at a fast pace. Y/n couldn't even manage to figure out what line they were on despite them all saying "the forth line" there was no 'forth line' only letters and syllabus dancing amungst themself. When the teacher notices y/n has yet to read their part she asks

"y/n do you know where we are" shaking their little head "no" they reply, the teacher reaches over and points to a line on the page, witch was no longer dancing, finily it looked as though the letters had calmed down perhaps they could read it now. Eyes glide over the letters only for them to start playing hop scotch, the young child sighs asking to be skiped. "We dont skip people y/n just try a little harder" but y/n was trying, thats when they heard snickers coming from their group, "its so simple" one kid would wisper to another.

"Stupid" "cant read" the small children started saying things like that ever cence that day. Years passed and now y/n was in 3erd grade.

"David, can't read, David, has Dyslexia." The teacher reads proudly. A small child raises their hand,

"I think i have Dyslexia." They spoke only to be met with a deathly silence, a silence that be cut with a knife. A week later y/n is sat down by their parents.

"Hunny you have this thing called Dyslexia." The child burst into tears.

All thease years, "i thought i was just stupid. Theres a reason im like this. Its not my fault."

Years, i thought i was stupid, i had TEACHERS tell me id "never amount to anything if i didnt try" when in reality, i was trying, very hard.

Think before you type something about someone, everyone has a story. Sometimes those storys arnt what you'd expect.

Please leave soem happy comments, i need it.

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