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Hiii :))

Thank you guys so much for 300 followers I appreciate all of you and I'm so happy you're enjoying my story! <3

Songs I think fit this chapter:
-Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers
- People watching by Conan Gray

This chapter is kinda a filler because I didn't want to jump into the plot of the next chapter really fast! So it's not that interesting.

I'm going to be cutting back in the posting every Monday schedule once school starts again bc I don't want to stress myself out but I still want to be able to post decent chapters for you all!

I'm going to try and make my chapters longer and more detailed so I can write a better-written story and that will be hard to do by post every Monday.

I hope you guys understand and enjoy! :)

✄ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Get out of my car," Shouta said, parking in the parking lot of my apartment building.

"Let me have one more moment with Toffee." I lifted Toffee off my lap and into the air, "Blink if you want me to take you and run."

I stared at her for quite a while waiting for her to blink. I could feel Shouta staring at me through the corner of my eye.

"Emery get out of my car."

"Wait Shouta, I need her to blink."

"Out." He demanded.

I sucked my teeth and placed Toffee into his lap.

"I'm not a huge fan of you you know."

I was lying, of course. He reminded me a lot of her so I couldn't despise him even if I wanted to. Although I couldn't lie I felt a bit of envy towards his relationship with Eri but it wasn't a valid reason for me to dislike him.

I started collecting my extra clothes and opened the car door.

"I'm glad the feelings mutual," He replied.

I stepped out of the car and turned around with a smirk, "Liar. You love me."

"I do not. Your stubborn and annoying."

"Doesn't mean you love me any less." I grin, waving a silent goodbye to Eri and Toffee.

"Leonhart," I turned to meet Shouta's face, "don't forget my advice."

I nodded at him and I slammed the car door. I don't know how he expected me to forget. I didn't understand what he meant so I was going to spend all day figuring it out.

Today was oddly colder than usual. Summer was just about ending but it was unusual for it to be this cold in August.

I took out the keys to my apartment and opened the door. Mina was watching tv and painting her toenails a bright teal colour. I'm guessing she didn't drunk much last night because there wasn't a single sigh of a hangover in sight.

I still had a slight headache and threw up a bit in Shouta's toilet but after that, it went away.

"Good, you're finally home." Mina cheered, "Midoriya came over and dropped some food because he didn't have time to cook today. Yours is in the fridge."

I nodded and headed towards the fridge. As soon as I opened the fridge my eyes spotted a box of strawberries, a note, and an orange rose.

An orange rose. Meaning enthusiasm and desire.

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