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"An assassination attempt."

Tapeesa fixed Aang with a levelled stare, showing none of the concern he was, almost appearing unbothered by the news. And partly, she was. She didn't think all that highly of King Kuei. In all her years, she hadn't heard of anyone claiming he was anything more than useless.

"He is distressed, yes," Aang told her, his agony over the King's fate evident on his face. Not for the first time, Tapeesa thought he was too good of a man. "He asked for my help specifically."

"I have never been to Ba Sing Se but I have heard the Dai Li are not your typical guards. Does he not trust his troops to protect him?" she wondered out loud. "I don't think it's usual of the Avatar to protect Kings from being overthroned."

"I have already told him I will help. King Kuei and I have known each other ever since the war, I can't turn my back on him. Besides, he has been betrayed by the Dai Li before. They were part of the reason Ba Sing Se fell in the first place."

"Then perhaps that's a good enough reason for the Dai Li to be replaced."

Aang frowned. "Do you not think he deserves my protection?"

Tapeesa leaned forward. "I think you are just one man and you can't do everything. Something might be left behind."

"I don't want King Kuei to die because of me."

Tapeesa shook her head, "It would not be because of you."

"It would feel like that to me," he insisted, his frown deepening as he noticed her pick up her meal and start eating again. "Do you not agree?"

Tapeesa swallowed, "I do not. But perhaps he is right. Perhaps he truly is not safe in Ba Sing Se. I still don't think his protection should be your task, though. One could think you are politically involved in the city."

His frown deepened even more. "But I'm not."

"Are you really?" she countered, her brows raised. "Because King Kuei finally decided to let you have space on his own grounds to build an autonomous city where you will live in. Someone could say he offered you land in exchange of protection."

"He's my friend, Tapeesa," Aang pressed, his shoulders shagging. "How could I ever leave him to die?"

Tapeesa let out a small sigh but eventually, she nodded. "I understand. Who is trying to harm him anyway?"

"He suspects a few nobles in the city."

"Can he not strip them of their privileges?" she asked, half her attention back on her food as Aang answered.

"No, it would raise suspicion and there would be a protest. They have people supporting them, he cannot do it without reason."

Tapeesa shook her head. "And I thought Ba Sing Se was ruled by a King."

Aang smiled weakly as he watched her eat. "He isn't the most assertive."

"I imagine that is part of the reason they seek to get him out of the picture," she mused, her gaze never leaving her plate. "When are they leaving?"

"In a few days, both of them. Zuko has been away from the nation for long enough and his wife might give birth soon while Kuei can't leave for a long time because he is afraid they might have thought of a plan to kill him the moment he returns to Ba Sing Se."

"So what does he expect you to do, follow him on his journey to Ba Sing Se? Or head off earlier to clear the path for him?"

"Neither of the two, actually," he admitted, "he will send me a letter with a hawk if he feels threatened and I will go to Ba Sing Se to help."

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