Ryoku X male Reader Part 1

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*(Y/N) (N/N) your name nickname*

Readers POV

man this is the place the elite 4 are training in everything there good at and i have a crush but i wont tell anyone i got called in Satsuki i have to live ryoku and her freinds but i have model X and Z and this is my new life and well i better get some sleep it's gettng late

Ryoku POV

there's this new kid living with us he said his name is (y/n) but he says his friends call him (N/N) and i've have a crush on him but he's nice and all but soon i'll fight him soon and but he uses something called a biometal and he doesn't use a life fiber senketsu and well i dont tust him mako keeps asking him things he keeps clear of rocks i know one thing we might become good friends or not but he seems nice enough

(thats all for now and i do not own kill la kill the onwer of kill la kill is Hiroyuki Imaishi all credit goes to kim)

Kill la Kill Ryoku X male Reader Chapter 1 life a new with a new familyWhere stories live. Discover now