Morning Messages

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chapter two; Morning Messages

"WAKEY WAKEY, MY SWEETIE." Abraham slapped Leo's cheek gently.

He groaned, throwing the stuffed animal at his side at him. "Go away."

"No. You have exactly thirty minutes before you're late for your shift."

Leo clutched his eyes closed. He didn't care if he got fired.
He was hoping to be fired. Leo's has 7 points, one normally gets 5 and you're fired. Apparently they have a soft spot for him.

"Bro, I see your eye ball moving around. I know you're not sleeping." Abraham checked his phone. "It's not even that early. Your shift starts at 11:30am, and you're complaining? Pathetic. Get your ass to work."


"Who is going to be my sugar daddy if you don't work? Huh? Get up already."

Leo begrudgingly arose and threw the blanket off of him. He ran a hand through his shaggy hair, yawning loudly.

"Hey." Leo's mother walked into the room.

Abraham perked up at the sight of her, "mornin',

"Son." She gave a small nod in his direction. "Hurry up and I'll give you a ride to work."


Leo asked this not to be rude, but because he was confused. They had three cars. One for his mother, another for his older sister, Helena, and one for him.

Of course, Leo still hasn't gotten a license, but a permit.

"Mine's in the shop and Helena's out, wherever that may be." She sighed. "Hurry up."

Leo nodded, walking out of the room and into the bathroom.

"Don't forget to take Amelia to her violin lessons and then to her boxing ones. Okay, Abraham?" Isla reminded.

The teenager gave her a thumbs up. "Of course. I'm very responsible. I'll wake her up right now." He passed Leo in the bathroom, knocking on the door on his way. "Don't fall asleep in there!"

Leo mumbled incoherent words but came out of the bathroom with a random shirt pulled over him and pants that had glitter on it.

"Let's go." He said, grabbing a piece of bread and chomping on it.

Isla followed, giving Abraham and a grumpy Amelia a peck on the cheek. "Be good, kids!"

"Bye, mom!" Abraham waved happily.

The younger girl waved slightly, flopping on the couch and groaning.

The car ride was silent. Neither Leo nor Isla say anything. When he opened the car door, his mother said, "text me when your shift is over."

Leo nodded his head obediently. While he walked he pulled out his phone. Swiping away the spam messages, he stumbled upon a notification claiming that Stella had uploaded a new video.

He almost smiled looking at her page and remembering the original video that made her famous. It was when she, Eli, and Abraham started a protest against David Dobrik stopping his vlogs during quarantine. It seemed so long ago.

Leo pressed on the video, plugging in his earbuds and putting up the volume.

"Hello, guys!" The digital Stella shouted. "I am here again. And we are all gather together for my tenth attempt at asking for Luna Lovegood's hand in marriage."

The camera turned to the pale girl. She smiled slightly, "Hello, Stella."

"Luna, my dear. You know how I feel about you." She started. "Let's get married."


"Okay! Better luck next time! See you guys later."

The video restarted. Leo realized that Luna was holding on to the phone he had given her.

He double tapped the video and closed the app. Now, going through his Discord messages, he noticed that Luna had sent him a text earlier this morning.

good morning Leo!

It was a simple message. Nothing to get too excited about, but he couldn't help but feel giddy about the morning text.

He typed out a good morning message and clocked into work.

"Leo!" His coworker yelled. He came over smiling. "What's up! I'm surprised they haven't fired you yet."

Leo shut off his phone, stuffing it in his pocket. Leo grumbled out an answer of agreement, putting on his vest.

"What line are you on?" Will asked.


Will followed him to his line, leaning on the counter. "By the way, where have you been?"

"What do you mean? I've been in my room, like a hermit."

Leo punched in his number to log into the register. It was a Sunday, so either a lot of people would be coming or none at all.

"No. You didn't come to work for like two weeks. People said that you were on a Corona leave." He dropped his tone to a whisper, "do you have the virus?"

"No. Obviously."

Leo gestured to the mask he wore and then to the rest of his body. Will was nosy at times, but he was the only tolerable person at this job.


His phone pinged and Leo itched with the urge to check if the message was from Luna.

"Well, buddy, I'm glad to have you back. I missed you here and at school."

The thought of school made his stomach roll.

No way he had forgotten about school.

But he did. Being involved with all of that magical stuff made his brain hurt. He had forgotten about school.

No wonder Abraham was so excited to go back.

"Yeah... It's good to be back." And as much as he absolutely hated going to work and school, he felt like his life was settling back on its normal course, and not off the rails.

Will pat the counter surface and turned the other way, "see ya later."

Finally, Leo thought.

He pulled out his phone, checking the Notification Center and pressing on the discord message.

*Sourfunky sent an image*

Leo eagerly pressed on the photo, seeing Luna and a few of her Ravenclaw friends wave at the phone.

Another message followed it.

some of them are surprised these things exist.

He laughed, sending a picture of him at Walmart.

I'm at work.

Hesitating, he sent a ':(', thankful that unlike Wattpad, it didn't change it to a horrendous, scary emoji.

"Hey, Coldwell! You're not fired for a reason! Get to work." A passing by manger scolded.

Leo gestured to his line, "I don't have a line. There's no one over here. They're all in the self-checkout."

With that being said, he continued messaging Luna, both sending pictures of each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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