Chapter 41

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No matter how Qian Chuan slanderd Tango, Qian Wei continued to conduct short demon training for Lu Xun. Unfortunately, because of Lu Xun's backwardness, the original dance practice time of one hour per day had to be extended to two hours.

But Lu Xun was not very satisfied with this: "Can't I continue to practice today?"

Qian Wei glanced at the time: "Will you practice more tomorrow? I really can't do it today. I have an appointment."

Lu Xun's voice is sour: "Oh, dating?"

"Study!" Qian Wei blinked, and she decided to comfort Lu Xun, who had not taken the bill so far, and explained rarely, "I am really studying. I have asked Li Chongwen to tell me the real topic of criminal law."

Lu Xun's face softened a little: "Criminal law questions, I'm not sorry to tell you."

"No need, no use, no trouble for you." Qian Weilian waved his hands repeatedly and asked Li Chongwen to talk to himself about criminal law issues. This was all arranged by Qian Wei deliberately, because only in this way can he finish each time in the name of thanks After the title, please ask Li Chongwen for dinner.

As a result, Lu Xun insisted this time: "No trouble, every time you finish dancing with me, I will tell you." He turned his gaze, "just as I thank you for practicing dance with me." Do n't bother Li Chongwen anymore. "

"It's really not necessary. I have been asked by Li Chongwen for a long time. I have already said it to him and I haven't bothered."

"Every time I test the criminal law I am better than him."

"Li Chongwen is not bad."

Lu Xun stopped talking. He had no expression, but Qian Wei always felt that he was a little angry.

"You regularly study criminal law with Li Chongwen?"


"Then Mo Tao can bear it? The frequency of studying criminal law is about to catch up with the frequency of dating with him. It's really miserable for him to be your boyfriend. He doesn't care about you anymore." Lu Xun's tone was ecstatic, " Otherwise, you just do n't like you enough, so you just let it go. "

Qian Wei was stunned for a moment before realizing what he meant. She laughed a little and decided to reign in front of Lu Xun: "I said to Mo Tao early in the morning, if I wanted to be my boyfriend, I learned that Shu Dali , Gentle and virtuous, you know, you must be sensible and general, and you must not interfere in my life. "

"..." Lu Xun didn't say anything, but on one face, it was obviously full of Sanguan burst.

"Okay, don't worry about Mo Tao, you have to worry about yourself." Qian only thought of something while packing, "Yes, I borrowed a lot of books for you, I just forgot to give you, Take it back and look at it. "

When Lu Xun bowed his head, he saw that Qian Wei handed over a stack of books.

"" 28 Inspiring Talking Skills "," Methods for Chasing Girls "," Skills for Falling in Love "," Let Other People Like You in One Minute "..." Lu Xun's face was a little heavy while reading, "Qian Wei, what are these?" ? "

"This was carefully selected for you based on the positive reviews on the Internet. You can strengthen your theoretical training! The time that I and Li Chongwen have reached is coming. I won't talk to you first. Let's go!"

After practicing for half a month, Qian Wei decided to check the results.

"Every day before, the movements in a whole tango dance were decomposed and practiced one by one. Let's do a full dance today."

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