𝟸. [ 'ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʜᴇʀᴏ'] ⛈️

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"It's quite busy today" Diluc stated as he adjusted his glove. "well I'll be damned, it sure is" Charles chuckled while cleaning a wine cup. "we're going to need some more bottles"

"favorite knight ey? *hic* She ain't no knight but this ones a hero. Ahhh what she called again? The Raindrop duchess" One of the drunkards who were sitting in front of the bar table said out loud, clearly getting the redheaded man's attention.

"Oh yeah her. Such a mysterious woman, that one. *hic* Exactly like the Darknight hero I'd say" Another drunkard spoke.

"if they both battled, there'd be nothing but ultra overload!" The group of men laughed.

"Raindrop duchess?" Diluc spoke, catching one of the guys attention.

"yeah her. She always show up during a bad weather and fight *hic* off a ton amount of monsters. Her thundering abilities take such a painful hit. If she'd say *hic* she's the electro archon, I'd believe her" The man laughed.

"in what way is she mysterious'? "

"well by the time the clouds clear, she disappears. She even wears a violet hoodie to cover up her face in case anyone saw her" Charles added.

"If one hero shows up in the night, and in the rain, then there must be one in the day" Another man joked.

"your mom" They all laughed loudly once again. Diluc rolled his eyes at these drunkards, disgusted by them.

"knowing there are two powerful heroes showing more protection than the knights, makes me feel more safer in Mondstadt" Charles said as he served a cup of wine to another customer.

"has anyone at least seen a bit of her face?" Diluc crosses his arms and faced Charles. "No boss, but there are some theories that she might be a family member of the Regenfall clan"

"That explains the rain" Charles nodded on Diluc's comment. Diluc has never heard or know anyone who actually sacrifices for Mondstadt. Yes the knights do but let's be real, he does more of their work. Diluc has a little hope for that so called raindrop duchess for none of the knights of favonious would ever act all mysterious while doing their job.


After a while of helping Charles in the Tavern, he decides to head back to his mansion to deal with some paperwork. As he walks the famous streets of Mondstadt, he heard a few bystanders' conversation while passing by. "Lady (Y/N) is as elegant as ever, its a blessing to see her in public!" A woman speaks. "Perfect family, perfect personality, strong abilities, she's got it all!" Another bystander spoke, a male this time.

"indeed, though I've never seen her in combat, I heard she's really good with a bow!"

"just like her grandfather, strong lad that one"

Diluc shook his head, ignoring their foolish conversation. He believes having a 'perfect family' is too good to be true. They're only judging her by her appearance and status.

Now does he think of it, he's never really seen (Y/N)'s true abilities. He's met her once when he was about 7, he went with his father to the Regenfall Mansion for a little meeting. While waiting, Diluc walked around the hallways and glanced at a little girl who aimed at her target as if it was her first time. She looked really happy. Diluc in the present assumed that was (Y/N).

Once Diluc snapped out of his thoughts, the Mansion was finally in sight. He walks to the entrance before being greeted by his servants. "Welcome back Master Diluc" One of them took off his coat.

Once he heard faint voices in the distance, he tiled his head to the source of the sound. He exchanged glances with an unfamiliar woman together with a butler before going inside.

"who were those people outside?" Diluc asked his butler. "Lady (Y/N) Regenfall and her butler, sire" He answers.

"ahh.. her"


ꕥ How much primogems do you have now?



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