Part 24

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I need to train someone tomorrow


*Izuku pov*

It was 4.27am and I was almost at the gym, dad was beside me and as we got closer to the gym I saw Shinsou standing there, leaning against the gym door. I sighed, "how long have you been here?", I asked, he shrugged, "like 30 minutes", dad opened the doors and we entered.

"Okay never do more than is asked of you, even if it's the tiniest thing, never do more.", he looked puzzled, "what do you mean", dad took sat down on one of the bleacher seats. "When you do more it gives people power, I'm not gonna explain it but it's imperative that you get this. Never give anyone power, Only to those you'd trust with everything you love. Because power is everything", he nodded.

"Okay run along the track for as long as you can, push yourself to your absolute limit. Then I'll get an idea of how much you can work with" he nodded and stretched for a bit then he ran along the indoor track at a really fast pace at first, then he slowed down after the first lap and stopped 50 minutes later.

"We need to work on stamina, efficiency, speed, endurance, stupidity and a lot more.", he was hunched over with his hands on his knees, panting.

"Don't- *huff* be so- *pant* cruel." I rolled my eyes. "I have some ideas for support gear so I'll review with one of the support course department students for that"

I took off my jacket with some struggle due to my arm and set up a punching bag. "Punch it.", I said. "The bag?", I scoffed, "no, punch Aizawa. Of course I'm talking about the bag", he rolled his eyes and did as he was told.

"Okay stop.", he relaxed, "that was terrible", I said and his expression dropped. "I said I'd help you but I never said I'd be nice about it.", he nodded and I walked over to him. "Okay, show me your stance when you're punching", he stood and aimed his fist at the punching bag.

"See how everything except your right arm is relaxed?" 

"Your entire body needs to be prepared for full frontal assault and to give the same. All the time. So we will work on physical abilities for the first hour and a half, excluding the stamina regime then we'll start training your quirk for the next hour and a half, we'll also add a diet that's flexible circles around your current intake." he nodded.

"Okay now spread your legs a little wider (if y'all make that dirty then I will kick you) ,and bend your knees just a little.", Shinsou did all that was told to him, "okay now pull in your stomach and take a deep breath, exhale and punch. WAIT-", I took his clenched fist and pulled his thumb from where it was tucked under his other fingers, "you could break your thumb", he nodded and punched.

This went on for a while and he was a fast learner. His stamina wasn't too bad but could definitely improve, his accuracy wasn't the best but he was determined and that was all he needed at the moment.

I threw a water bottle at him, "what's your current aim, what's your goal....physically?", he wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel, "to be as good as you", "lower your expectations", he laughed, "that confident, are we?", I sat in a chair, "no, some stuff happened that made me.....built different than others"

"What do you mean?", I slouched down in the chair, "well first off, I did ballet for a while. Second I didn't learn to fight the normal way."

"what's the normal way? And ballet is so cool dude, no wonder you can move like that" I looked up at the ceiling, "you know, from a master or whatever, I didn't have a teacher so most of my methods are shortcuts or stupid. I learnt it all on my own." (And from youtube but Izuku doesn't mention that because he's, as the cool kids say, "cool") Shinsou nodded and the topic was dropped.

"Quirk!", I said. He nodded and sat down in a chair opposite to me. "I'm gonna try to teach you to ask subtle questions. Quirk me."

"like what?"

"exactly like that-"

*Aizawa pov*

I watched Izuku teach Shinsou the basics of combat and what not. I'm not gonna lie, Izuku was going an amazing job, he spoke with authoritative but casual tone and he didn't coddle Shinsou, far from it but he wasn't rude either. He didn't dishearten him, if anything his sarcasm and jabs encouraged him.

Shinsou wasn't half bad either, he was learning rather fast and I was trying to put up the disinterested act but this training session was intriguing.

They took a break and sat across from eachother, I think they were about to start with quirk training. Izuku said something about asking subtle questions and Shinsou replied.

My son started speaking but then his eyes went white and his body went limp but still held itself up. It was scary seeing him so defenseless, I hadn't noticed before but the way Izuku carried himself just exuded strength. The absence of awareness in his posture and expression was unsettling to say the least.

By the looks of it Shinsou didn't know what to make of it either, he didn't know what to ask of Izuku, an idea struck me. "Shinsou! Ask him to take care of himself!" I said.

Shinsou looked really skeptical, like he knew it would get him in trouble with his present teacher but he didn't deny the request so....

"Well I can't do it forever, how 'bout until he heals completely?", I nodded and Shinsou turned back to Izuku.

"Take care of yourself until you heal." He said  Then Izuku was broken out of his trance and took on his previous stance of strength. His posture gave me a strange form of comfort.

Izuku blinked the shock from his eyes and then made sharp eye contact with Shinsou "What'd you do to me?", he asked. Shinsou shrugged nervously and started stuttering, not really giving him an answer. I smiled, these classes seem to have been a good idea.

*Izuku pov*

"Well, see you tomorrow Shinsou!", I stood up and was about to walk to the door but I was 'subconsciously-consciously' forced to take my crutch. My head zoomed about and I glared at Shinsou, he seemed to realize what happened and pointed at dad, "it was alllll Aizawa sensei. I wouldn't have done it! it didn't even pop into my mind! I swear!"

I scowled and stared at dad. "Its for your own good!", he yelled at me. I scoffed and made a beeline for the door-- with my crutches. We went home and I threw random stuff at dad, he caught them and put them aside then he went to the kitchen to make some food.

I sat on the couch and played with the cats for a while. It was a saturday and almost 8am so I had absolutely nothing to do. Dad sat next to me and put a plate of eggs and toast on my lap. I groaned as I observed the undercooked and overcooked and the burnt parts. I reluctantly put a bit onto the toast and was about to take a bite but again I was 'subconsciously-consciously' forced to keep it away from my mouth.

"Uh dad what exactly did Shinsou ask me to do?", I asked as I tried to force the bread and eggs into my mouth, "he told you to take care of yourself until you heal", I dropped my breakfast and laughed because according to my body, eating dad's food wasn't taking care of myself.

"Is my food really that bad?", he asked as he gloomily stared at his plate of food.

"No it's just... tell you what, I'll teach you how to cook", he smiled and nodded solemnly, still staring at the pathetic meal before him.

"How 'bout we skip that and you just cook while I don't"


The ones who comment are literally my gods. Y'all are the best things that ever happened to me. I'm so lucky to have such great readers.

Addressing another issue, if you don't like the plot then just leave. I don't know why most of you stuck around but if you don't want to then nobody's forcing you.

Thank you for reading, I love you all so much.

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