The Hungry Spud (Hungry! Playfull! Spudow x Curious! Z-Mech reader)

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You went to the mines just as Dr. Zomboss told you to. As you got here, you look around, scanning for anything that is here. Nothing but Potato Mines. Mines, mines, mines.

Potato Mines everywhere. Potato Mines anywhere. Who puts them here? There could only be one person who's doing it. You head inside the mines.

Deeper into the mines you go. It feels hot, but not hot hot like in a volcano where Captain Combustible is. Just a little hot.

You see something in the distance. It was a cute Potato Mine peeking out of the ground. You got a closer look at it. The Potato Mine smiled cutely as if he wants to be your friend.

Just as you were about to pet it with your robot hands, he popped out of the ground with a body and a Plant emblem on his clothes. It was the big and mighty Spudow!

Spudow was happy with his cuteness. You begin to wonder how he got so big and so...Spud. Spudow pulled his head out and throw it at your Z-Mech, making you escape from it automatically.

You fall down on the ground with no pain at all. How did you manage to survive that? Questions aside, you look up at the big Spud towering over your tiny body. He pick you up and look at you with cuteness. His cute face. You can't possibly look away, can you?

You hear a growl coming from Spudow's belly. Spudow rubs it while holding you. Spudow thinks he should eat something. Something that more yummy and tasty.

That's when he look at you with hungry on his face. You thought Chompers can eat Zombies. Why is Spudow trying to be the hungry Plant Hero? You've seen Chompers eating Zombies, but you haven't seen a cute adorable Spud eating a Zombie. This changes everything.

The cute Spudow puts you against his belly just to play with you and not teasing you. His hungry belly is growling even louder than before. You can pretty tell that he's hungry from that look of his. You feel scared and a little happy? You don't know what you feel. Between a hand and a hungry stomach, the guy just won't let you go.

So after his belly fun with you, he put you closer to his mouth. He sniffs you with his plant nose. Then he licks you. Then he opened his mouth and put you inside. He begin to taste you for a bit before he swallows you down.

He swallows. His muscles are pushing you down to his hungry tummy. You're now inside Spudow's belly. It's gurgles and growls must have made the Spud more hungry than it is.

Spudow pats his belly, letting out a short belch. You try to get yourself comfortable as Spudow rub his belly, cutely. You feel yourself being happy and not scared. Spudow just wants to feel like to have a Zombie inside him. Like Chompzilla does when she eats a Zombie.

The big Spud pokes his belly to see if you're ok in there. And you did. You hear him sigh in relief and belch again. You wonder if Spudow keeps you in there. Kind of like the long game. He loves the long game.

"Don't worry my cute Zombie friend. I won't keep you in my belly that long. I want to see if you're tasty and Chompzilla was right. You do look tasty. Mmmm... I love eating Zombies! Yay!" Spudow said with cuteness. He pats his belly once more before heading out, leaving you're precious Z-Mech behind.

Maybe you should relax in his belly while he goes out on a stroll. Who knows. Maybe you'll have another Z-Mech if Dr. Zomboss lets you.

A hungry Spud is a happy Spud! Or some Zombies and Plants would say.

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