Chapter 45

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I sat on the sofa in the lobby, fidgeting with my fingers, waiting till Ian comes down. Today he'd be visiting Mr. Barnes to get the papers signed again but I have a bad feeling that it won't go well. So if Mr. Barnes needs an apology before he signs it I would give it to him. It was my fault after all.

Just then the elevator doors opened and Ian strode out with Daniel beside him. I vaulted to my feet.

"Ian" I called and he turned.

His eyes widened. "Hailey, what are you doing here?"

"You're going to see Mr. Barnes right? I just umm..." I swallowed. "I want to come with you"

Ian's eyes softened. "You don't have to"

"Please" I begged

Ian stared at me for a long moment then slowly gave a nod. "Fine you can come"

We drove to Granville and I moved to open the car door but Ian suddenly gripped my hand. I turned to him. "The people in Granville might act hostile toward us after yesterday so don't be surprised of it"

My throat bobbed. "O-okay"

Ian gave my hand a gentle squeeze and climbed out of the car. The receptionist informed of our arrival to Mr. Barnes and after a short while his secretary appeared with a scowl etched on his face. "Why did you come here again Mr. Kingston? Is threatening us yesterday not enough?"

Daniel's lips curled. "You may talk to him with respect"

The secretary scoffed and glanced back at Ian. "Why exactly are you here Mr. Kingston?"

Daniel slowly looked at me first as if contemplating something then at Ian. Ian shook his head in silent warning and Daniel gave a short nod before forcefully dragging the secretary away, out of my earshot.

I inhaled sharply, understanding what the silent warning was. Ian didn't want me to get depressed hearing last night's events once again but it was too late. The guilt was already tearing me apart.

I watched the secretary -- how his face turned comical as he listened to Daniel. And I knew things would get far worse. For Ian, because of me. The secretary guided us to a top floor to Mr. Barnes's room and he told us to wait outside till he explained the reasons of our visit to his boss.

We waited for a few minutes before the door opened again. As we stepped in, the first person to greet us was a young woman, who could only be Chairman's PA. She gave us a sneer and turned her gaze to a man behind a desk, who looked to be in his early fifties.

His lips twisted into a smirk. "Well well well, I thought we wouldn't meet again Mr. Kingston. Yet here you are"

Ian's face hardened but he silently walked over to the table and took a seat across Mr. Barnes.

Daniel placed a file on the desk and moved to stand behind Ian. He slightly turned his head and gestured me to sit next to Ian. I was hesitant for a moment but did as he told.

Ian spoke first. "Our deal is already done Mr. Barnes. Just sign the papers again"

Mr. Barnes let out a laugh. "Your attitude never changes, does it Mr. Kingston? Even though you're the one who's in a desperate position"

Ian didn't show any emotion and said. "Just sign it"

Mr. Barnes gave a malicious smile and leaned back, twirling a pen between his fingers. "Well Mr. Ian Kingston" He clicked his tongue. "Tell me, where's all the fun if I just sign it?"

A muscle twitched in Ian's jaw, his hands balling into fists.

Mr. Barnes's eyes gleamed in delight, knowing he has control over Ian. "I've never known you to be such careless person Mr. Kingston, to ruin important documents like that. Such a shame if word gets out"

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