Chapter 2

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   We finished our food in silence. Oliver takes our plates and puts them in the sink. I begin to laugh.

Oliver turns to me, "What's so funny?"


"What about me?"

"You're a complete idiot."

"How?" He raises a brow.

"You know the name Mallory Kane, but you really don't know Mallory Kane," I smirk.

"I know more than you think."

Just like that he walks away into the bathroom. I assume he's going to take a shower, I could leave right now. But that'd be too easy, maybe I should play a game. I scope the apartment out looking for ways I can get out when it's time. I know the windows have security but I don't know about the door. I walk to the door and quietly twist the knob, it cracks open without a sound. Well, this is dumb. Let's just hope he falls asleep first.

A few minutes pass by and he's finally out of the shower.

"Can I use your phone?" I ask

"Do you think I'm dumb?"


"Never mind, can you just tell me the time?"

"Four in the afternoon."

Great, now I have to figure out how to spend my time till it's nightfall. I'll just take a nap, haven't slept well for a while. A long while. I go back to the room I was in and lay in the bed, it was more comfortable than my cell floor.

I wake up and don't even know how many hours have passed, but looking out the window it was enough. I get out of the bed and quietly walk on the wooden floor. I crack open the door and peek my head out. I stroll over to him, what a gentleman sleeping on the couch while I get the bed. I wish I could punch him in the face.

I grab his hoodie that's next to him and put it on as I walk out the door slowly twisting the knob. I quickly make my way out of the apartment building and onto the lit-up streets of San Francisco. I pull the hood over my head and begin to just walk.

I've walked for about five miles now, at least my stamina is still there.

"Sh*t," I whisper to myself.

I'm in front of a bar that my Father owns, most of his posse hangs out here. I duck myself behind a wall to take another way, suddenly a large hand covers my mouth and pulls me with them inside a backroom.

They let me go, "Long time no see Mally."

My Dad's partner Damien. Or as he likes to call himself, my Dad's best man.

"F*ck you, you don't get to call me that," I spat at him.

"Aw don't be that way Mal," he walks closer to me.

I back up but he backs me into a wall.


"Don't be harsh, remember the last you saw me?"

He takes a knife out of his back pocket and holds it up to my neck, slightly cutting me. Oh, I've been waiting for this.

I slide under his arm punching him in the face as I move. I kick him in his side and he falls to the floor dropping the knife. I straddle him, gripping his shirt with my fist and punching him again, and again, and again.

"The last time you had my Dad protecting you."

I grab the knife from off the floor and slowly push it into his stomach while twisting it making sure it was painful.

"Maybe this will send a message to my dear father," I whisper in his ear before he takes last breath.

I take the knife out of him and throw it on the floor.

"You can come out now Oliver," I turn around.

"How'd you know I was there?" He questions.

Because it was a part of the game.

"Do you think I'm dumb?"

"You need to come back with me Mallory."

"What's going to make me? Can't be anything I've never handled."

"F*ck!" I shout.

He shot me in the leg.

"I told you, you needed to come back with me," He throws me over his shoulder.

"I hope you like my blood getting all over you because one day I promise you'll be sitting in a puddle of your own."

As soon as we get back to the apartment he sits me on the bathroom sink. He begins to clean the wound and stop the bleeding to begin stitching it. As soon as he starts I don't even flinch at the needle, considering I've had this happen far too many times.

"You're horrible at stitching."

"I wouldn't have to if you weren't so annoying and stubborn."

I roll my eyes as he finishes up the wound.

"Since you got blood on your clothes and my f*cking hoodie, considering I have no more girl clothes here," he hands me one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

"You can take a shower and wash all the blood off." Then he walks out of the bathroom.

If you're still here I assume that you like it so far. Anyways chapters aren't going to get longer until after chapter 10 or 15 :)

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