-Chapter 19-

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I HAVE HIT 12 THOUSAND!!!!!!! Yay!!

First post of the new schedule! For anyone who skipped that update, I will only post every other day! Please understand that I need to do this for my self care, not to be rude! I promise that I am trying my hardest. 

This was a hard chapter to write! I used the extra time to perfect it as much as I can, but no promises.

-The Author


The Readers POV

He grabs my hand, pulling me inside after him.

I trip over my own feet and almost fall on my face right in the middle of the entry way but Peter catches me at last second. 

"Sweetheart, it's almost like you've fallen for me." He says smirking. I roll my eyes and get up with his help. 

I grab his hand and drag him to the stairs and we start our ascent. After the three flights of stairs to my floor, I am a little out of breath.

"Its been way too long since I've exercised." I puff out, holding my side. I feel his amusement through our bond and I pout.

"This isn't funny!" I whine and he starts to laugh. I cross my arms and turn towards my front door. I fumble with my keys, then turn it until I hear it click unlocked. I go to open it but pause. I feel Peter's confusion, but I shake my head. I pull my hand away slowly and turn to him.

'They've been here!' I say mentally to him. He looks shocked and pulls out his phone. I hold up my hand. He looks at me confused and I shake my head.

'They will just worry. I can handle this.' He looks at me skeptically. 'I promise.' I say mentally and turn back to the door again.

I close my eyes and focus on my magic. I feel its power and direct it under my door into my apartment. I feel for sensors and any other foreign technology. I feel 5 sensors and a trip wire. There was a sensor behind the front door, in front of the bathroom door. The other three were in front of the three windows in my apartment. The trip wire was in the bedroom door way. I disable them then destroy them with my magic. That gave us ten minutes.

I shove the door open and started to rush around. I grabbed my go-bag and shoved in two extra outfits and a pair of sneakers, some under things, my tooth brush and tooth paste, and my phone charger. I grab an outfit and run to the bathroom changing into a cropped white sweater and distressed blue jeans, with brown boots. 

I feel Peter's confusion but ignore it, my mission more important. I grab my book bag and my journal from behind my picture frame. I put the picture and journal in the bag then zip it quickly. I grab Peter's hand and quickly drag us down the stairs out the door and into the limo.

"Drive!" I shout at Happy. He must have seen something in my eyes because he steps on it and we speed off leaving behind my life of solitude.

"Peter message Tony that they know where I live and where I work, who knows if they know about you or my school. We should get back to the Tower. At least until we figure out a plan." He nods, quickly typing away on his phone. My knee bounces quickly as my hands shake slightly. I stare out the window as the city speeds by. Then I feel it. They are behind us.

"Happy, go faster. I don't care how, just GO!" I shout when I hear the gun fire start. 

He complies speeding through the red light, he goes onto the sidewalk  a few times to swerve around stopped cars. We narrowly avoided getting hit a few times and soon we were in front of the tower. I push Peter out and quickly follow him, dragging him inside and into the elevator.I finally take a shaky breathe once the doors are closed. 

I can feel my heart beating out my chest and am gasping for air. I am getting flash backs of running from them before. My attempts at escaping HYDRA. The torture I was put through for even my attempt at trying to leave that hell hole.

"Hey, Y/n, breathe baby girl! It's going to be okay. We will figure this out, I promise." Peter says pulling my into the present. I shake my head, still gasping for air. I clutch my sides as my chest gets tight.

"N-no, your a-all in d-danger. This is-is all my f-fault!" Tears fill my eyes. "You are all going to die because of me, I am a curse. You all should just run while you can, before you can't escape them either." He shakes his head and pulls me to his chest.

"We are never going to leave you, baby girl. Never. You are so important to us." I start to sob.

"No, no, no. Then you are all going to d-die! I can't l-let you die! Please don't leave me!" I sob into his shoulder. I hear the elevator ding, we had reached the main floor but I couldn't stop sobbing. I feel Peter lift me up and set me down on the couch. I hear the others but I don't let go of my death grip on Peter.

"What's wrong?" I hear Steve ask, but I just shake my head, still sobbing into Peter's shoulder.

"Baby girl, shhh. It will be alright, we will figure this out. Please stop crying." I look up sniffling and see Bucky kneeling in front of me.

"No, it w-won't ever be a-alright. I-I'm a m-mistake. It's m-my fault that-that you'll be, be-" I turn my head into Peters chest as I start to sob again. He rubs his hands over my back, trying to soothe me.

"Shh, we will figure this out, but only if you can help us understand. We don't have all of the information, sweetheart. Help us understand. Please, baby girl." Peter murmurs into my ear. After a few minutes my sobs turn into silent tears that streak down my face. I pull away and see all of my soulmates watching me, all looking very concerned.

"S-sorry." I murmur quietly, my voice scratchy from crying.

"You never have to apologize for crying, Baby girl." I look at Bucky and give him a broken half smile.

"Well might as well invite Director Fury. He will want to know this information as well. Do you have like a meeting room?" I look to Tony, who was next to Steve, behind Bucky. He nods and I stand up. I wobble a little. He looks concerned.

"Just a head rush, happens when I cry. Side effect of something I took." He nods but still looks concerned. I brush it off and walk to the elevator. I feel Wanda wrap her arm around my waist and I lean into her a little, thankful for the contact. 

We take the elevator to Level 62 and enter a very big meeting room. There was a large rectangle table in the center of the 'room', it was more like a whole apartment and bathroom included. There were so many chairs that I didn't even bother counting them. I see a man in a black leather trench coat at the other end.

"Ms. L/n?" He ask, gruffly.

"Director Fury." I say nodding at him before taking a seat across from him.


So close to twenty chapters! That is so crazy!

Thank you for reading this chapter!

-The Author

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