Chapter 10: To Hide You (Away from the World)

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Royce reaches out his hand and places it gently on top of Ashera's head.

"I won't let them take you away."

And before Ashera knew it, her hair had suddenly changed colors, switching to a light brown. Then Royce says a short apology before placing his palm over Ashera's eyes, effectively changing the color of her eyes to crimson. Then he cups Ashera's face gently and Ashera could feel a bit of her face changing shape, especially the shape of her ears.

This was...transformation magic!

Royce can use magic!?

Humans can use magic, but there were only a few who can do so. So it was a surprise to Ashera that one of the 30% was in front of her. After changing Ashera's appearance, it was Lucius' turn. Royce gave him a similar appearance to his mother's, light brown hair and crimson eyes.

"Stay here and act normal." Royce said and turned around to leave.

"Wait, Human magic isn't as powerful as elf magic! They'll see right through us!" Ashera panics.

Royce pauses and turns his head to Ashera. Once Ashera saw Royce's rare expression, she was perplexed. Why did Royce look at her like that? With a confident smirk and eyes glinting with pride. He looked so...smug.

Royce lets out an amused breath. "You haven't seen through mine, right?"


And for the first time in a while, Ashera was left on a cliffhanger. Royce leaves before Ashera could ask anything, but knew Ashera had to let him go so he could talk to the soldiers. What did Royce mean by those words?

So Royce was disguise?

Meanwhile downstairs...

Jill felt worried. Before she could chase after Ashera and find out what was wrong, the group of elves suddenly entered their inn. They approached Jill and asked if they could talk to someone reliable and knows the ins and outs of the village. Other than the elderly village chief, it was Royce who fits the description perfectly.

So she called him down.

They waited for a while and Royce finally arrives.

"How may I help you?" Royce asks.

The elf, with dark hair and teal colored eyes approaches Royce carefully, making sure that this conversation will only be heard between the two of them. "We are looking for a young elf with blonde hair and green eyes. Have you seen her?"

Royce shakes his head. "I have not seen anyone who fits that description."

Another elf walks up behind the elf and whispered something. The elf nods and spoke to Royce once again. "We would like to search this whole inn if you do not mind."

"..." Royce held a firm expression. The elves were a bit intimidated, not once did Royce's expression had even a slight change. He was like an iron wall. Royce knows what they are doing as well, they probably believe that they are hiding Ashera.

Royce didn't need to worry and nodded. "You may, but please knock on the doors. A guest might be changing clothes or in similar states." Please have that decency at least.

The elves agreed and they all spread out to search the inn. Jill got startled when they all suddenly scattered and a few walk up the stairs. Jill looks at Royce, expecting an answer. Royce glances at her and Jill noted that Royce will explain later.

Royce remains still, unfazed.


The same elf with teal eyes knocked on every single door, excusing himself after finding no results. Then they arrived at a certain door. The elf knocked on the door and...It took a moment but a girl with light brown hair opened the door with a child in her arms.

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