The Gathering of the Two Worlds

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"Are you ready for tomorrow, Eren? We will try to reclaim our homeland, the Shiganshina District." Armin asked Eren before they go to sleep.

"Yeah. There's no turning back in this one." Eren said with a serious expression and Armin just smiled at him. After that, the two slept and the night's breezing cold air before the day.

"Issei, don't forget to take a rest well. We have school for tomorrow, okay?" Rias asked.

"S-Sure, President!" Issei chuckled and Rias smiled while leaving his room.

'I can't believe that Rias is now living here in my house, together with Asia!' He thought with his perverted thoughts. He closed the door and went to sleep. The two woke up and they met everyone with their uniforms, gears, and surrounding them both who are still on their beds and are in a different world.

"Eh... EH?!" Eren and Issei yelled at what's going on.

"Issei! This is bad! We were sent into another place without us realizing it!" Rias cried.

"Who could've done such trickery to us?" Levi asked.

"I don't care how they did it, but it's so cool that they sent us here just like that!" Hanji exclaimed.

"Huh?" Everyone asked.

"You guys are from a different world? Commander..." Armin called on Erwin.

"I see. So both of our sides were taken here in this unknown place. But why?" Sirzechs asked.

After an hour of knowing each other, lights flashed and they saw the cinema chairs and a huge screen in front of them and footsteps from the door can be heard.

"It appears that everyone's starting to talk towards each other." A manly voice said as it approaches the two huge crowds.

"Who are you!? And show yourself!" Issei angrily yelled.

"Are you the one who sent us here?!" Reiner asked.

"How could you do that to us, you monstrosity!?!" Irina angrily asked.

"Me? Monstrosity? An impolite greeting, I suppose." The man appears from the shadows known as Geralt Rivia said.

" The man appears from the shadows known as Geralt Rivia said

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"Wh-Whoa..." Issei asked and everyone fell silent on Geralt's presence.

"Why so silent all of a sudden? Did a monster tame your angry hearts? Perhaps I can explain. All of you are here to witness how someone can travel from the present to the past, and correct everything that has caused a lot of shit in the future, or shall we say, the present where he came." Geralt said.

"Is that even possible? Like he's time leaping?" Kiba asked.

"Excellent. He is, doing time leaping. But, this is possessed by an ordinary human. And unlike Eren and Issei over here, this young man isn't strong in combat, but his willpower, is something, you all will commend. Please take your seats so that we will start the show." Geralt said with his calm, yet manly voice.

"An ordinary human doing time leaping? But what's this shit that caused troubles in the present?" Levi asked.

"Crimes, caused by a group of evil people. And they couldn't be stopped even by the soldiers of justice. For this to be prevented, he will need to go back and correct everything to prevent this gang to be feared by everyone in the future." Geralt said.

"Gang...? So delinquents did this, you say?" Rias asked.

"Delinquents but with wonderful abilities to fight for themselves and their group. Now, are you all ready to watch this? After this, you, will all be in his world soon." Geralt said.

"H-Hey! But how about the Titans in our world?!" Moblit asked.

"Yeah! And the Fallen Angels and some rebel devils?!" Rias asked.

"Take a look at your worlds." Geralt said as the screen shows both the Titan World and DxD world safely living in peace and harmony.

"No more... Titans?" Zeke asked.

"Yes. Thanks to me, I sent all of those ugly monsters to hell. I spent an hour on each world to get the job done. I hope you're all happy about that." Geralt said.

"For as long as my parents are here with me, I'm fine with it." Eren said.

"Eren..." Carla uttered.

"Same here! For as long as President, Akeno, and all of the beautiful ladies in here are safe!" Issei exclaimed.

"Huh?" Jean asked.

"You only care for them?" Connie asked.

"Are you a pervert?" Levi asked.

"H-H-Huh?!" Issei asked in embarrassment.

"*sigh* All right. Let's begin... And the title of this world is called, "Tokyo Revengers". Geralt said.

"Tokyo Revengers?" Historia asked.

"Here we... go!" Geralt said and the first episode is now playing.

To Be Continued...

Yes! A new reaction book from me ladies and gentlemen! I hope you'll like this one as always! Thank you and stay safe as always!

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