Prolouge~ The auditions

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~Lana Parrilla Pov~

It was a cold and dark evening in the city of Vancouver, so like every Friday night; I was standing there, half asleep on the set of once upon a time. 

This past month we've been doing auditions. Adam and Edward (creators of ouat) told me about the role ages ago as it was quite important for my character. Regina. The new characters  name would be Hannah Mills, the long lost daughter of the evil queen. The only question was, what lucky child would have the honour of working with me. 

"It's getting late" Jen said whilst yawing. I nodded before soothing the papers together and placing them in my black bag ever so carefully. I had always been one for neatness, it made me calm. "Didn't find any one?" Emilie asked me. I shook my head. I wanted to say yes, I wish I could. But not a single child that came through those doors felt worthy of such a great part. 

"Better luck tomorrow then" the Australian actress said before exiting the room. As me and Jennifer were about to do the same, Adam walked inside, with a young girl trailing slowly behind him. She was small, to small. Her hair was a dark/light (colour of your hair) and it contrasted with her (colour of your eyes) eyes. "I'm sorry to interrupt you lady's, but we have one more child to audition. 

I wasn't going to argue with him, and neither was Jen so we quickly sunk back into our chairs and smiled. "What's your name love?" Morrison asked her. "Y/n" the young child replied as she walked onto the stage. I looked her up and down and noticed her ripped clothes and muddy skin, it concerned me, but I kept quiet. 

Adam handed her the script, but she didn't put her hand out to take it. This was new. "Can I improvise? I just don't think scripts are the best way of showing who you are as an actress?" She asked him. Jennifer's eyes opened wide as she stared at me and smiled. Could this be it, could y/n be are new Hannah? 

The man nodded and sat back in his own seat. Then slowly we watched as this young actress got to work. She started off by showing her emotions. 'My name is Hannah, Hannah Mills. And I am here for my revenge" she said, doing an evil smirk that even I was scared of. 

After a while of improvisation y/n was onto stage two. Vary rarely do people get to stage two. Adam walked up on the floor, he was playing the part of Regina for the auditions. "You need to leave!" He said holding the script amongst his arm and reading carefully off it. I watched as the tears came cascading done y/n's eyes. 

"What, because I'm different. Because I'm a you" she yelled. I felt tears drop from my own eyes as she said it. She looked so hurt, it all looked and felt so incredibly real. As they finished Adam gave y/n a high five before winking at me and Jen. "Yes!" Jennifer screamed. Y/n flinched a little when she did which I found a little strange.

"I think this is our girl" I sighed, relived that we had finally found someone to play this dam part. "Really" she stuttered. I nodded and pulled her into a hug. But as I did there was no emotion inside her, not like when she was acting. She just seemed blank, lost.

Adam then led her out the room and away from us, as soon as he did Jen began to jump up and down with excitement. "What's wrong now?" She asked me, after noticing I wasn't joining in with her. "Did you notice anything strange about her?" I whispered staring off into the distance. 

My blonde haired friend clicked her fingers in-front of my face to help me regain Consciousness. "The only think strange about her was her talent, it's unreal!" Jen laughed. I put my thoughts aside and laughed with her as we walked out the room and back to are different apartments. 


I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter. As the prologue this chapter is way shorter than all the other are going to be. I will upload every day all summer, so stay tuned. 

-what do you think is so odd about y/n. Why is Lana so worried? 

-how do You think it will go when she meets the rest of the cast

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