Chapter 68: Champion Y/n Black, first to calm a Dragon

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Harry Pov:

Eventually Y/n and I were the only ones left. I was scared, frightened I won't make it out alive. Somehow sensing what I was feeling Y/n said " Harry, it's going to be alright, you are the Harry Potter, the boy who lived, and a battle with a dragon is only going to add to your list of brave things you have accomplished".

"Thank you" I replied smiling. "Remember, dragons don't attack unless you provoke, the fire is a defense" she added. "I will remember that, thank you" I replied.

"Harry Potter!" Professor Dumbledore's voice boomed as the cannon shot. I walked out of the tent and Y/n showed me two thumbs up. She hugged me and I walked out of the tent bravely, thinking the dragon was calm. But I was wrong.

Y/n Pov:

Harry stepped into the arena as the Hungarian horntail threw flame balls at him. Harry dodged them, and made many attempts to get past the dragon but none were successful. Harry tried summoning something, and my guess was it was his broom. It wasn't working, his incantation was wrong.

"Accio broom" I whispered pointing my wand to Harry. His broom flew in and he hopped onto it. He flew around as the dragon clawed at him, and eventually scooped up the egg. He had done it!

"Y/n Black" Professor Dumbledore announced as soon as Harry made it away safely. I walked out onto the arena and made eye contact with the dragon. It threw flames at me put I wasn't scared. I blocked out the flames with spells and got closer to the dragon.

I looked into it's eyes. The Hungarian horntail looked hurt, in pain. "Silencio" I cast onto the crowd, blocking out its noise for me and the dragon. "Diffindo" I cast pointing my wand at the shackles of the dragon.

It immediately calmed down. "Hello there" I said calmly. The dragon was first surprised that I somehow wasn't scared of him. It took a few steps back as I got closer to it. "I'm not here to hurt you, I never would" I added stepping closer to it. It seemed to understand what I meant as the next second its head was next to me.

It sniffed me closely. I put my hands up to show I meant no harm. It crooned in satisfaction.It moved it's back to me. "You want me to ride you?" I asked. It seemed to say yes as it moved closer to me. I got on the back of the dragon. It's scales were beige, extremely beautiful.

It took flight and I held on tight. It felt freeing to be on the back of the dragon in air. The dragon flew around the arena, occasionally bumping into a few poles accidentally. I giggled at its clumsiness.

The dragon was nothing if not a big child. It was a she, her eyes were different from a males. She was beautiful, and silly. She flew down to land and I got off. She moved from in front of the egg, as if giving me permission to take it. "Thank you" I said walking up to the golden egg.

"Incarcerous" one of the professor cast onto the dragon, binding it to the ground. She looked frightened. "Calm down buddy calm down, it's going to be alright" I said calming her.

I walked out of the arena as the crowd cheered for me. "Champion Y/n Black, the first to calm a dragon" Rita skeeter said as a flashy camera was pointed in front of me. "Good job Ms Black" Professor Dumbledore said.

"Thank you Professor" I replied smiling. "She got her fearlessness from Durmstrangs if I'm not wrong" Headmaster Igor said. I smiled at him before Harry pulled me into a hug. "That was awesome Y/n" he said pulling away from the hug. "Thank you Harry, I'm pretty sure I've done Hagrid proud" I replied.

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