we're not at war, but they are.

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the avengers and alice all got on the jet safely along with the scepter. along with some injuries but still alive.

alice was lying on a stretcher talking to clint  and thor. while natasha was talking to bruce.

"i think they like each other." alice gossiped

"they'd make a cute couple." she commented.
"but not as cute as me and jane right?" thor asked. "whatever helps you sleep at night pal." she told and clint was lightly chuckling.

they all flinched as natasha asked thor for a report on the hulk. thor had his hands on his hips and walked towards bruce and nat.

"the gates of hel are filled with the screams of his victims." thor said confidently.

"dude, you're not helping." alice told thor. bruce groaned and put his face in his hands.

"but not the screams of the dead of course. no. no, wounded screams. mainly whimpering a great deal of complaining and takes of sprained deltoids and gout." thor tried to fix his comment but it didn't help at all.

steve was trying to hold in his laugh while listening to thor.

"hey banner, dr cho is on her way from seoul. is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" tony asked. "uh. yeah, she knows her way around." bruce responded.

"thanks. tell her to prep everything. blue meanie is gonna need the full treatment."

"very good sir." jarvis replied.

"jarvis, take the wheel."

"yes, sir."

the jet arrived at the avengers tower and helen cho took alice to bruce's lab.

maria hill went to steve and showed him files and records of the two enhanced. they are twins. wanda and pietro maximoff. orphaned at 10 when a shell collapsed their apartment building. "sokovia's had a rough history, it's nowher special but it's on the way to everywhere special."

"their abilities?"

"he's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis, her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation."

steve looked at her confused.

"he's fast and she's weird." she summarized.

"well they're gonna show up again." he said while the elevator beeped.

"agreed. file says they volunteered for strucker's experiments. it's nuts."

"right, what kind of monster would let a german scientist experiment on them to protect their country?" steve said while pressing a button while entering the elevator.

"we're not at war. captain." hill said

"they are." and the elevator doors closed. maria raised her eyebrow and turned around to find fury.

"how's she doing?" bruce asked tony while walking towards the room where alice was in.

"unfortunately she's still blue." he joked. bruce gave tony a serious face. "she's fine."

"you sure she's gonna be okay? pretending to need this girl really helps the team." natasha said to helen cho.

alice was currently on her side with a smirk on her face.

"there's no possibility of deterioration, the nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. her cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra." dr cho explained what she was doing with alice.

"i have no idea what that means but okay." alice said cheerfully. "she's creating tissue." bruce summarized and alice nodded.

"if you brought alice to my lab, the regeneration cradle could do this in 20 minutes."

tony walked into the room with clint holding cups of chlorophyll water.

"oh no she's flat-lining. call it. time?" tony joked.

"1:47." clint responded as he looked at his watch."

"real funny stark. i'm gonna be made out of plastic, i will never die." alice responded.

"here's your beverage." tony said as he handed her a drink.

"you'll be made of you. ms. everfalls. your own boyfriend won't be able to tell the difference."

"i don't have a boyfriend." alice replied to dr cho.

"that i can't fix." she said and alice chuckled.

"this is the next thing tony, your clunky metal suits will be left in the dust." dr cho said to tony.

"that is exactly the plan, and, helen i expect to see you at the party on saturday."

"there's gonna be a party?!" alice said while shooting up from her seat.

"unlike you, i don't have a lot of time for parties." helen told stark and he lifted his eyebrows.

"will thor be there?"

tony nodded and natasha, clint and alice all gave a look at eachother. helen cho has a crush on the god of thunder. to be honest, who doesn't?

"al, once your out of here, i'm taking you shopping." natasha told alice

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