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I scratch the words over my notepad with my pen aggressively after being rejected from the second place I applied job for. Yeah, maybe if I have control my face expression after sipping that tasteless coffee, I had a chance. Then I flipped through the pages of my notepad and read the address of third option where I had applied for. It's not far from where I am so I think I would prefer walking. It sounds better than saying I'm too broke to book a cab.

Walking steadily I realise that this place might not be safe at night. Empty streets, empty bottles every where, the smell of alcohol in the air. Where the hell I'm? I didn't have to focus too hard to realise the negativity, the vibes were enough. For a moment i decided to turn back and scratch the third name off my list too but then I remember my empty bank account and that's keep me going further.

"Oh God." I exclaimed when I reached the 'office'. It looked more like a shabby cabin with steep paint and stinky smell.

I took another minute to decide if I want to go inside or not.. but then again it was the last name on my list today I can't leave without trying.

Passing through the door I met with an old man beside the door who told me to write down my name and time I came in.

"Are you client or employee?" The man asked.

"Uhh.. none." I hesitated. "I applied for the job and I was asked to give an interview today."

He looked up to down at me and I got chills.

"You know the work, right?" The man asked. Receptionist I guess. I still have time to run away. The door is just behind me.

"They told me that it will be explained during the interview." And why only now I'm so suspicious about it.

"You look too naive to work here." The old man click his tongue. I want to be offended but he wasn't wrong. But the moment I heard moaning sounds from the cabin I scratched my name from there along with the time and left that place before promising myself that I will never come here again.

As soon as I came out, a car halt right in front of me. Two bulky men came out of the car and was going inside the cabin but stop when their eyes fell on me. I suddenly looked away and began walking away.

"Hey. Do you work here?" One of the man asked me.

"No." I answered straight away. Then I began to walk fastly.

"Would you like to?" Another man smirked. "We have offers that you might like."

Then I ran. Literally.

Then a car stop just in front of me again which made my heart stop beating.

"I swear to god, if you forced me to do anything..." The door open and an angry randhir straighten up to his full height in front of me and I sigh in relief.

"What, for the gods sake, you are doing here?" He roared at me in that empty street. I didn't even flinched at his anger. I actually anticipated that already. But I was surprised when he opened the passenger door for me angrily and waited for me to sit. He slammed the door shut after me. This Poor car is receiving all his anger which he can't let out on me.

He drove a little before stopping the car.

"Did they hurt you?" He grumble lowly. I looked up and found those two man observing us.

"Were you running away from them?" His voice made me shudder. When I didn't answer he move to open his seatbelt and unlock the door.

I gripped his arm tightly before he could open it. I could feel his veins  pumping beneath my palm.

"They didn't." He just glared at me before sighing angrily.

He drive fastly through those empty streets and soon we were in the bustling town. We haven't reached the office building yet but he stop the car at the side of road. He sat still and waited. He waited to subside his anger before talking to me. I was grateful for that too.

He quickly dialled a number.

"She is with me." He uttered and cut the call. His phone made me remember i had a mobile too. Quickly rummaging through my purse I pick my 'silent' mobile out of my purse.

"Huh." Randhir scoffed. "If only you could use that damn thing when needed." He hit the steering wheel hard. I looked down to see thirty-one miss calls from Randhir and Peter.

"Come home and I will kill you with my own hands."

Was the text Peter just send.

"That's only possible if you make it out alive from Randhir's wrath."

Came his another text.

I gulped hard and clear my throat.

"I would have returned before the internship start." I tried to tell him my initial plan but he just looked outside the window with a scoff.

"You tried running away once." He finally speak in a low voice. "How would i know you won't do that again?" His voice grew up a little high at the end.

Even I don't know that.

"Maybe you just have to trust me." My words hang around the silence in the car.

"You could've asked." He started. "From me..or maybe Peter.. we would have helped you if you need money."

This time I scoffed.

"I don't need money. I need a job." I finally confessed but I kept the fact to myself that a job is the only thing which will be stable in my life. "I need to be independent. I can't bother everyone for my whole life."

"You are not bothering anybody." He looked my way.

"Just me." He added angrily.

"And don't tell me you were planning to pay for the internship?" He enquired.

My silence was the answer. He sighed again.

"If you really need a job then.."

"I won't work in your company or in Peter's restaurant." I stated quickly before I could change my own mind.

He chuckled darkly and hit his fist with the window glass three times lightly.

I swear he would have killed me if I wasn't so close with Zayn and Zara.

"Throw that thing out of the window if you don't have to use it. Atleast we all won't be going crazy that why a lady can't answer a ringing phone even after thirty six calls." He pointed at me phone.

"Thirty one." I corrected him and that break the dam that was holding his anger.

The mobile was snatched away from my hands and thrown out of the window and I just saw a car driving over it.

I could feel the cracking of that phone in my heart.

Everyone love their phone. Everyone.

"That was exaggerated." I stated angrily.

"Uh huh. You know what exaggeration is..." He lean in closer to me until he reached near my ear. He gripped my chin tightly made me look up at him.

"From now on... You won't even take a breath without me knowing. I will be watching your every move." He paused looked down before looking up again. He blinked as if coming to his senses.

He straighten up but didn't look away.

"And don't fucking dare..." He hit his palm against the glass. "....to even move without my permission."

I take a long breath but he continues.

"Because i swear to god even I'm not sure what the hell im going to do with you."

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