13| Don't Lie, Don't Die

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Josie finally got the door opened, apparently that asshole who fought her blocked the door with a shovel and chair. She grasped the knife from the floor as she pushed the door, hissing as she moved forwards on the gravel, her feet pinching from the rocks but she ignored it as she saw movement from the corner of her eye. They widen happily and grins, "Karl-" Karley moved from sight and into the forest, her skirt flowing behind her as she hurried after her.

She grins as she kept running after her daughter, ignoring the pain that went down to her feet and blood trickling down her heels as she hurried after her daughter. She leaped over the fallen log as she saw Karley hurry towards the largest tree in the path, she was so close but stumbled when something tugged her foot back. Josie lands on her face as she falls forwards, the knife cutting her hand as she dropped it. Karley stops running and stands at the tree, not turning towards her mother.

"Sweetie, can you stop fucking running?!" Josie scolded with a nasty glare as she stands up, ignoring the pain in her feet but stops as fire lit up around her. She tried to move out of it but her body pulled back. She growls and tried once more but her foot couldn't leave out the circle. "What the fuck-"

"Good job Auggie." [M/N] praised as he walked out from one of the trees. He walked towards Karley and pulled the wig off and Auggie grins at his uncle. He fixed his dark hair and the fire burns brighter as [M/N] dumped more holy water, blessed by him in it. [M/N] gives another smile to her as she screams and tried to lunge at him but he merely scoots back from her. "Not today Edna."

Josie's movements stopped and she lifts her head up to glare at him, but not brown eyes staring at him but dark green ones. "How did you know? I was sure to come up more like Lisa." She asked as she gripped the knife harder. "You little runt."

"This little runt outsmarted you." [M/N] replied as he moved to help Auggie take the pink shirt off and skirt, revealing his tank top and shorts. He was such a fast runner, more so than Karley at least. "Now, Edna, I have to go send you to hell now." [M/N] began clapping his hands as he began rehearsing the prayer in his head. 

"Hail father full of grace, may the Lord be with you-" [M/N] began as something just pulled him back, slamming him against the tree and pain shoots up. He looked up to see who had done it and yelped, falling to his knees to avoid the shove almost breaking his skull and such. [M/N] rolled over as the shovel moved to stab the area he was at. His gaze moved to Martin Woods, having the heavy glaze look over him. "Mr.Woods-"

"You think I can stop at just one body boy? I've been here manifesting and eating away at the land! Powerful enough to use two bodies at once." Edna said from Josie's mouth, as the flames were going out slowly and [M/N] rolled away from the man who kept stabbing the ground to get [M/N] once and for all. Auggie saw the flames go down and grabbed the holy water from the bag, pouring some onto the flame but it was too late. The flame went out and Edna grabbed the knife, yanking Auggie to her. He struggled as she pressed the blade against his throat and Martin finally was tired of the whole game of stabbing the ground. He yanked [M/N] up bu his shirt and slammed him against the wooden tree.

"Enough! I'm really sick and tired of you damn medium freaks ruining what I have here." Edna spoke as she kept pressing the blade against Auggie's neck, causing the tiny boy to whimper a bit and she grins. "Lots of practice between years, especially with killing the unclean."

"Little Rosie, Lisa, and Melody." [M/N] hissed as he glared at the other, his nerves on fire and anxiety shooting up as he watched Auggie struggle with the knife against his neck. "Stop it."

"Or what? Kill me after I killed your little bastard." Edna mocked as she tilts her head a bit with a smirk on her face. "My, so young to have a son-"

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