12 | meeting

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discovering untold secrets


| (first name) |

"(first name)." you heard a faint voice say as you felt them shake your arm.

"hnng.. what" you sleepily mouthed.

"get up. right now." you heard him say once more but sternly.

you lazily opened one eye, only to vaguely see xiao crossing his arms.

"(first name)." xiao said once more

"but i'm still sleepy.." you mouthed.

xiao loudly sighed as you felt his hands made contact with your skin.

"w-what are you doing?!" you suddenly panicked as you felt him lift you up; bridal style.

"if you don't feel awake in 2 minutes, i'll drop you."

"i'm awake!" you loudly say and stared at him. xiao noticed how you were staring and took a glance at you.

"i don't like being stared at but i understand." he mouthed, still carrying you.

"c-can you put me down now.." you asked him

"alright." xiao said, but you quickly followed it up with, "gently! gently xiao! don't drop me—"

"calm down." he said as he finally placed you on the ground.

"get ready. we're meeting with aether." xiao said as he left the room quickly after saying that.



"do i look alright?" you asked xiao

"did you ever look different?" xiao questioned as he glanced at you.

"the answer i expected. anyways, where are we meeting up?" you asked him once more.

"qingyun peak."

"wait.. don't tell me we have to climb.."

"..you remember last time" you said and huffed a lot of air.

"you just need to hold on tight, i won't let you fall." xiao said

"are you sure..?"

"well not on purpose."

"xiao! i swear—" you got caught up with your words as xiao pulled you close.

"quiet," was the only words you heard as he held onto your waist, as the both of you jumped from the balcony.

× × ×

"please.. give me a warning next time.." you told xiao as your hands were both on your chest trying to catch air.

"you'll get used to this."

"i don't think i will."

"..there he is." xiao said as he walked towards the blond.

"hello xiao," the blond greeted him along with his floating friend.

"what are you waiting for? come here." xiao said as he took a seat across the duo.

"oh, coming!"

| third pov |

"traveler, let me introduce (first name)." the adeptus said as he pointed over to (first name).

"ah hello, i'm aether. but everyone calls me traveler." the blond said as he gave out a chuckle.

"and i'm paimon!" the loud floating one said.

"greetings. i am (first name) as adeptus xiao mentioned. you caught my eye when i saw you back at liyue harbor."

"you.. you really look familiar." (first name) once again said.

"have you seen me before?" the traveler asked.

"..oh so its not you.." (first name) said but kept her eyes locked on the traveler.

"i met someone who looks just like you."

"..is it a girl with white clothing?" paimon asked as her eyes widened from hearing the words (first name) mouthed.

"now that you've mentioned it.. yeah.. with a flower."

"..lumine.." traveler mouthed sadly, "when did you see her.. please, any leads would suffice.."

"you must be family.." (first name) mentioned as aether gave a nod, "i.. i thought you were the one who woke me up.."

"woke you up?"

"..it turns out, the one you mentioned 'lumine' woke me up."

"traveler, you see.. its been years since she woke me up."

"how did you meet her?" aether quickly asked

"..she found me crystalized under the stone forest.."

"if i recall correctly.."

"she said she was on her way to her journey's end."


rel: this would be my last ud for awhile as im making smthng special and focusing on my kazu idol au. a lil sneak peak but this is what no scara content does to a mthrfcker. see u besties !

 see u besties !

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