Chapter 6: Tears for lost ones

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The brothers finally stopped fighting but now they wouldn't even stare at each other anymore. Luckily Dream and Nightmare was tired of the fighting so both were starting to fall asleep.

"When are we going to know if we are allowed to come out of our room?" Killer asked, suddenly a knock on the door was heard.

They didn't have a view of the town, only one of the forests and the gardens of the castle.

Nightmare growled a bit but got up, his tentacles once again coming out. He slowly opened the door. It was just a maid, Nightmare opened the door a bit more and nodded his head to let the maid talk.

"It's believed that the assassin has been able to enter the castle-"

Suddenly she fell to the floor, blood dripping, a tentacle crossing through the right place where her heart was. She fell to the floor and so she let go of a knife, Nightmare quickly closed and locked the door.

"Looks like we aren't alone in the castle" Nightmare growled. "I shouldn't have tried killing you, we could have used you as a distraction while we escaped," Nightmare sighed.

"Nightmare" Dream growled, he sighed as he was pulled back into cuddles with Cross. Nightmare scoffs and just sits on the edge of Killer's bed.

"What are we going to do if they get inside?" Killer asks.

"Well, you are going to be able to distract them while we escape" Nightmare smiled. A piece of paper was thrown at Nightmare, the purple prince turned around angrily but sighed. Killer looked over.

Both Killer and Nightmare knew they should remain silent since Cross had fallen asleep. She was peacefully resting on Dream's chest while Dream held her waist so she wouldn't fall. He was toying around with her hair.

Once again someone knocked on the door when Nightmare opened the door. He did not attack, instead, he received four trays of food and a warning.

"It's just our caretaker, knights came with her so I'm sure the food is safe," Nightmare said. He passed the food to everyone, he had the urge to just drop Killer's food on purpose but he knew his brother would force him to share his food with her if he did so.

Cross was slowly woken up by Dream but quickly ate her food and went back to cuddling with Dream. Dream on the other hand took his time when eating the food.

"Cross, can we cuddle upstairs? This couch is too small for the both of us" Dream said nervously.

"Sure" Cross yawned as she slowly woke up.

"Is it okay Killer?" Dream asked, Killer, nodded and smiled. "If Nightmare does something stupid just call out mine or Cross names" Dream smiled, he quickly glared at Nightmare and then guided Cross upstairs. Killer too noticed that Dream started talking off the cloth in his face and Cross was doing the same. Even if she really wanted to see his face she denied the thought and looked away.

Everything felt tenser, more negative. It kind of annoyed and scared Killer but she would have to ignore it. She ate, struggling, and finally put the tray which used to hold her food away.

"How long have they known each other for?" Killer asked.

"Since they were children, though, only now have they spent more time together than usual," Nightmare explained. Killer only nodded.

"Well guess our getting to know each other day was kind of ruined" Killer chuckled.

"In some kind of the way it was," Nightmare said, "but it's yet not known, these assassins though really came prepared" Nightmare sighed.

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