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"i've had a vision. a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that." he pointed to the yellow gem on its forehead

"what the gem?" alice asked.

"it's the mind stone. it's one of the six infinity stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." thor explained.

"then why would you bring it to.." alice said but was interrupted. "because stark is right."

"oh, it's definitely the end times." bruce said quietly.

"the avengers cannot defeat ultron." thor exclaimed.

"not alone." the robot said calmly.

"why does your "vision" sound like jarvis?" steve asked.

"we... reconfigured jarvis' matrix to create something new." tony told him

"i think i've had my fill of new." alice said

"you think i'm a child of ultron?"

"you're not?" she asked.

"i'm not ultron. i'm not jarvis. i am... i am." the bot said and everyone just looked at each other very awkwardly.

"i looked in your head and saw annihilation." wanda said to vision. "look again."

"yeah. her seal of approval means jack to me." clint said loudly.

"their powers, the horrors in our heads, ultron himself, they all came from the mind stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. but with it on our side..."

"is it?..are you on our side?" steve asked vision. "i don't think it's that simple." he replied.

"well it better get real simple real soon." clint said and alice rolled her eyes.

"i am on the side of life. ultron isn't, he will end it all."

"what's he waiting for?" tony asked.


"where?" bruce asked

"sokovia. he's got natasha there too." clint replied and wanda and pietro looked at each other.

"if we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that ultron made you to be.."

"what will you do?...." vision asked and everyone just looked around.

"i don't want to kill ultron . he's unique, and he's in pain. but that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed."

what's the difference between killing and destroying. alice thought to herself.

"every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. and not one of us can do it without the others. maybe i am a monster. i don't think I'd know if i were one. i'm not what you are, and not what you intended. so there may be no way to make you trust me. but we need to go." vision said and handed thor his hammer.

everyone widened their eyes.

"right..well done." thor said patting stark on the shoulder.

steve turned to everyone else. "three minutes..get what you need."

"follow me you two." alice leaded wanda and pietro to a locker room.


alice threw a jacket at wanda and she caught it and put it on, then she went in front of a mirror to look at it.

"i'm sorry for that." pietro pointing to the wound on her stomach while putting shoes on.

"it's ok, you thought you were doing the right thing. i don't need your apology." she said.

"and it only shows up when i'm blue." she said turning into her human form and handing him a earpiece.  he smiled and took it from her hand.

she walked past him and turned back to blue and went to wanda to give her an ear piece.

"alice, i'm so sorry. what i did is so wrong and i feel so terrible." wanda apologized for showing her a vision of her childhood trauma.

alice looked at her shoes, she didn't know wanda saw that too. "i know you are. but that's over, we aren't enemies anymore. we could be friends if you'd like."

wanda nodded and smiled.

"mystique, get everyone on the jet." steve said through comms.

"copy that, do you have everything you need?" she asked them.

"yes, mystique." pietro joked.

"very funny. go out the door and go to the left i'll meet you there i just have to check something." she told them.

they walked out and she checked her locker for a photo of her mom, she glanced over to where pietro sat and saw a photo. she picked it up and it was a photo of pietro, his parents, and wanda. she put it in her pocket and planned to give it back to him.

she closed all the lockers, and turned the lights off and closed the doors. she met up with wanda and pietro and leaded them to the quinjet.

"took you long enough." clint said to alice, wanda and pietro.

"sorry hawkeye." she put her hands on her hip and sat down on the jet.

"go talk to her." she heard wanda whisper and saw pietro walking over and sitting next to her.



"you dropped this on the floor in the locker room." pietro said handing mystique a photo of her mom. her eyes lit up immediately.

"well, i believe you're looking for this."  she said pulling the photo pietro left in the locker room out of her pocket.

"wow, thank you." he said making eye contact with her.

"no problem. i bet it's important to you."

he nodded and looked at the picture. "that's me, that's wanda and those are our parents." he said pointing at the picture.

"it's a beautiful picture."  there was a silence between them.

"so, uh your hair isn't natural?" she joked to break the silence. he laughed and so did she.

"come on, your hair is red."

"at least it's natural." she said lifting her eyebrows.

the two continued small talking.

"alice?" pietro said.


"let's start over and be friends, yes?"

"fine by me!" she smiled.

"ultron knows we're coming. odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. but the people of sokovia, they didn't. so our priority is getting them out." steve said.

dedicated to the one i love | pietro maximoff Where stories live. Discover now