Chapter 39: The Missing food from the fridge

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3rd Person POV

Currently our heroine was working on some of the requested items by her parents company.

"Hmmm.....this looks sort of complicated...this support tool was meant for a person whom had difficulties in walking,"her back was turned as her dignified muscles seemed to pop out in her black sando.







'Good thing the school let us have a day off to train...I need to finish this so that I could sleep and train the next day'

Tinkering here and there she assembled the robotic parts of the support item and wipped off her sweat with the back part of her gloves.Feeling thirsty she went to her mini fridge on her own working station and pulled out a bottle of water before chugging it down.








"Do you think 'that guy' will make a move by 'himself',"she said emotionlessly with a hint of boredom as her eyes glint in a shade of cobalt blue before taking a sip of her water with a firm grip on the bottle.

"I don't know about that yet master...but it seems as of now that 'they' will not.There is a 0.01% chance that 'they'will move"

'Tsk.How pathetic'

Putting down her water bottle and looking at the time she decides to take a break thus she removed one of her gloves before bitting the end of her other glove and pulling it out gently.

Timeskip:brought to you by chibi Hawks perching on a tree munching on chicken nuggets with his cheeks looking like a squirrel munching on nuts

Walking down the halls, (Y/N) immediately stopped on her tracks and whipped her head on an open window that let the cold breeze touch her skin.The clouds covered the moon but the stars shone brightly than ever making the view look more scenic and enchanting as the flowers beneath the window swayed with the breeze in it's full bloom a coutusey by her perfect butler.

(Sebastian:My thank you for the compliment.

Author:Shush go back to your vacation!)

'Huh?That's weird I don't remember opening the windows,'walking towards the window she looked outside before closing it shut and then proceeded to walk towards her living room.




Her house slippers glides on the marbled tiles as she hummed a tune.Reaching for the fridge handle she opened it to get some coffee jellies to eat while watching the television for some scientific studies and news but halted when she saw that some contents on her fridge were gone.

A few rectangle lines seemed to appear as if it was telling her that the chicken bucket and nuggets were missing. Questionably tilting her head she decided to shrug it off and just bring out her box of pizza and drinks to go with it.

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