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TW: Creepy stuff, Spiders, Rats, Dolls, Children's Screams/Laughter, Blood... A lot of stuff is here.

I don't know how to specify things, but read if you want and stay safe. If you really enjoy creepy things, read late at night with no lights on underneath your covers, or outside at night with the wind blowing around you. 

Listen to the music and put it on loop if you please. 

I'm truly sorry for writing this, as I know most people aren't here reading this book for it. But I enjoy writing these type of things.

The smile of the doll sitting on my nightstand seemed to glow slightly, as if it was alive and truly smiling at me.

Clothes were littered on the floor, lights were off, and the only sound that was heard throughout the abandoned hotel was wind.

I had settled here for tonight, against my own wishes. Tomorrow I would get back up once again and stay on the trail, hoping to find a place to finally stay and sit down in.

The doll, it was the only thing I had left from my childhood. Despite how unnerving it may seem, it had gotten me through many things.

I thought it might be alive honestly, after all the laughter I heard in my head each night, the distinct laughter of children. 

The laughter would overlap and seem as if it was smiling, just grinning at me.

I could sometimes hear my own laughter mixed in with the children's, and then my own face would appear for a split second in front of me.

Of course it as all just a figure of my own imagination, I knew I was going insane years ago when I got kicked out of my apartment.

Things had gone downhill every since I turned 18, ever since I had to move out of my childhood home and get a job.

Mother only let me take one thing, and that was my doll. 

The doll, was it's preferred name.

Blonde hair and unblinking eyes, it still meant everything to me. 

I had moved around the world after getting kicked out of my first apartment, living in places where no one should, moving around every night, stealing food from homes, barely surviving.

There was a thrill to it, after all, who knew when the police would catch up?

They had been searching for me day by day, but I was always a few steps ahead. It was still thrilling though, the scare of getting thrown into prison keeping my insane thoughts going. 

So I kept moving, I kept living, and now I was here, in this abandoned hotel in this abandoned town, living in one of the rooms for one night.

Everything was run down and there were rats and spiders skittering throughout the whole places.

I scrounged around until I found the least run down room, settling here and putting my belongings on the bed with me, and the doll on my nightstand.

It was staring at me, I positioned it that way. It would look over me, with it's unmoving eyes and glowing smile. It would make the insane thoughts cower in fear and the pain leave through the door. 

Or it would make them hurt more, and make it so that I saw things like the doll reaching towards me.

I would be fine regardless, everything scary about this certain doll I held was made up in my head and my imagination. 

A New Life for Better or Worse {¶ Sleepy Bois Inc. ¶}Where stories live. Discover now