Chapter 17

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Standing around Shuri's lab you all watched as vision laid on the table and Shuri scanned the stone in his head. She pulled up a hologram of the stone in her palm and started.

"Whoa. The structure is polymorphic."

"Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." Bruce explained to her what they had done to create Vision in the first place, years ago.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" She questioned as if it was the obvious thing to do. Vision looks to Bruce for answers as well, still laying on the table calmly as the duo talked over him.

"Because, we didn't think of it." Bruce answers with uncertainty.

"I'm sure you did your best." Shuri reassured him.

"Can you do it?" Wanda cut off the conversation with her worry as you had been holding her hand for reassurance.

"Yes, but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures." She explained the seriousness for the situation at hand. "It will take time, brother." She looked to Tchalla.

"How long?" Steve asked her next, knowing they wouldn't have long before the threat found them again.

"As long as you can give me." Shuri told them. A beep sounded out as Okoye pulled a bead from her bracelet into her palm and it showed a hologram of the earth, something crashing towards it.

"Something's entered the atmosphere." She warned the group in the lab.

"Hey, Cap, we got a situation here." Sam reported over comms from outside. A ship from outside had crashed into the barrier, exploding as soon as they merged together.

"God, I love this place." Bucky mumbles in awe, looking up at the explosion.

"Yeah, don't start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome." Rhode reminded with his own report from his current position. You all moved to look out of the windows and see many ships crash outside of the barrier, shaking the ground in the process. You looked to your siblings with worry over the situation but they both looked out with determination.

"It's too late. We need to destroy the stone now." Vision tried to sit up but he was still weak from being stabbed earlier when you had saved him the first time. You had squeezed your sisters hand, knowing the battle was incoming and you couldn't be there for her this time.

"Vision, get your ass back on the table." Natasha ordered immediately and sternly.

"We will hold them off." Everyone moved towards the door. "Wanda, as soon as the stone's out of his head... you blow it to hell." Steve reminded her of her orders.

"I will." She nodded with determination. You sent her a small smile as Pietro squeezed her shoulder and lead you out with the others.

"Evacuate the city. Engage all defense procedures." Tchalla starts ordering out and paused to point at Steve. "And get this man a shield."

You had followed Natasha to pile into a speeder that would take you out to the field where the Wakandans were ready for a fight.

"How we looking, Bruce?" Natasha asked over coms as he ran in the hulkbuster armour across the field.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually--" he suddenly tripped on a rock and fell, Okoye giving him a sceptical look as her speeder went by Bruce. "I'm okay. I'm okay." He stood back up.

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhode reported as he and Sam flew overhead. Sliding off the speeder you stood beside your brother and faced the direction the ships had crashed.

"MIE EFFA! (Win them!) YA HU! MIE EFFA! YA HU! MIE EFFA! YA HU! MIE EFFA! YA HU! MIE EFFA! YA HU!" Mbaku and his men chanted while everyone took their places in the formation.

"Thank you for standing with us." Tchalla shook Mbakus hand in a show of gratitude once he had joined the group in the field.

"Of course, brother." Mbaku responded in Xhosa. Natasha, Steve and Tchalla moved towards the barrier while the rest of you held position and waited to get back. They stood and talked to two aliens, one of which was the woman you had fought when rescuing Wanda and Vision, the other one was larger and more brut.

"This isn't gonna be good" you commented quietly.

"Be positive, y/n" Pietro told you with a slight nudge. You sent him a weary look and he decide now was not the time for jokes. The trio made their way back a few minutes later, standing beside you once again.

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked his best friend.

"Not exactly." Steve sighed, watching as the ships that had crashed were opening up.

Question of the day: what was your favourite fight scene from Infinity War?

I just finished posting all of the chapters to my story Lost In The Time Of Memories which is about a young girl who becomes and agent of Shield with her old and new friends, working together on a team to stop an evil scientist.

Don't forget to leave a comment and vote on each chapter, it really helps others to see the story and I enjoy reading through and responding to all of the comments.

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