Chapter 9

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Aris POV
We raced through the vents as fast as we could. We popped through the vent and scrambled out. "Doors barricaded, now." y/n stammered out. "y/n, what's going on. Just breathe." Newt tried to comfort her but she shook him off. "It's WCKD, for shuck's sake it's always been WCKD." She cried. Fry ran to the door and started to tie sheets around the handle, Minho ran up behind with a mattress in hand pushing it against the door. "We have to go now," I spoke up. "Everyone into the vents," y/n pointed to under the bunk. Everyone looked at her in shock and confusion. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She asked, then sighed, rolling her eyes.

Minho POV
Was she kidding herself, she expected me to get in there? No way in hell. *2 minutes later* How the shuck did I end up in this vent? "Who just farted?" I gagged. "Sorry, that was me," murmured Gally. Aris was leading the group, then Fry, Thomas, Winston, Gally, Me, Newt and y/n were behind everyone. "y/n remind me why you got to be at the back again?" I shouted back there. "1. To make sure you shanks got into the vent and 2 so nobody was looking at my ass." She replied. "I bet Newt would've liked to," I laughed. Newt laughed but then punched my butt. "What the hell." I cried out. "Thank you Newt," y/n laughed, "Suck it Minho." "Newt you've betrayed me and for a girl." I fake wailed. "Ya and that girl is y/n so...." Newt chuckled. "He's got a point, you know," Fry yelled back. "Gally, get off my foot," yelped Winston. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, it's not my fault you are going so slow." Gally shrieked back. "Are we there yet?" Thomas whined. "Thomas shut up," scolded Aris. "Alright, when did this become a shucking family road trip," y/n yelled up. Finally, we reached the end of the vent and everyone scrambled out.

Newt POV
What now, I wondered. Aris turned and said "I'll meet up with you guys later." y/n spun around "No, we can't split up." Aris turned back to the vent and replied, "trust me you'll want me to do this. Plus I have to go and get Noah." "Shuck, I forgot about Noah. But ya we can't forget about him. I trust you, and we'll meet you at the gate." She went to hug Aris. Why did Aris have to bring up Noah? I don't trust him or like him. Winston piped up, "I'll go with him." I nodded and they headed back into the vent.

Janson POV
I walked towards the room with the scientist carrying syringes behind me. The quicker we got this done the less Ava would be hounding me to shut up and do my job. I swiped my key card and pushed the door and it stopped early. I peered into the room and saw nobody. I stepped aside to let the people open this door. The door was slammed open and the boys were nowhere to be seen. I needed to find out where these boys were and fast

...............Time Skip..............

AU: Jason can never open doors for himself, he needs people to open the doors for him. There was no way I was leaving that part out. 🤣🤣Hope you all are enjoying the second book. Feel free to leave suggestions of what you want to see in the comments.

It's all a testOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora