Extra | Goodwill event

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"Look who's finally here!"

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"Look who's finally here!"

"What a warm welcome.."

You say with a scoff, you and your classmates now approaching the Kyoto students who have been waiting. Traveling was such a hassle; mostly when Panda couldn't even fit in the train and Inumaki loved wandering off. Gojo didn't even have to deal with them since even he's the problem!

Who goes spending a thousand yen on gachapons anyway? Haha..

Moving on.

Since the two Hokori's rarely spoke of eachother, the students from both schools are curious as to how you and Kamei would fight eachother in today's event. Those uninterested, like second year Noritoshi Kamo and Aoi Todo, already has an idea on how it would turn out. It's simple, really.

Just lighting. A lot of it.

"Utahime~!" Gojo coos, "Didn't bring any souvenirs for you."

"Huh? Like i need any." the woman furrows her brows, irked. The man's a whole circus and the clown himself-the Tokyo kids deserve awards for being able to handle Gojo on their own.

Since the former second years from Tokyo lost the previous goodwill event, then the next one would be held at the Kyoto highschool. You hoped to win so there's less traveling in the next year.

"Looks like someone missed me!"

Kamei rushes up to you, opening her arms with a wide smile to embrace her favorite, and only, cousin. Heat rises to your cheeks due to embarrassment, not used to whatever it is that she's doing.

"Oh god." you mutter, giving her what she wanted. You place a hand on her head and one on her back.

The embrace lasted only a few seconds.

"Watch out, Y/N. A birdy told me that one of your friends are in danger." Kamei whispers as she pulls away, an innocent smile on her face. You raise a brow, wondering what her vague message meant. Just as you're about to ask her a question, she shakes her head.

You then notice something on her wrist-a silver bracelet with what seems to be a single star with a gem attached to it.

"What the hell is that.." she never liked jewelry or anything that, you quote, would be in the way of her technique.

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