Chapter FortyOne

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Sage's POV

It's been almost three days since High Class had taken Dove and I could feel myself slowly losing my mind. Serge had banished me from his office after our first meeting when I let my anger consume me and I smashed up the room.

Serge lost a desk and gained a couple of holes in his wall that night.

My room that had been trashed by High Class was deep cleaned. Ivy's blood had been soaked out of the carpet and the shattered bathroom mirror had been replaced.

I pace back and forth in my bedroom, my boots on my feet and ready to go. Serge, Gunner, Gabe and Ryder are in the office talking about our next move. They're taking too fucking long to do anything and the longer we wait the quicker I'm spiralling.

The routine since I got kicked out of Serge's office consisted of me pacing my room, waiting for Gunner to make an appearance after the meeting and relay everything to me. That way if I lost my shit the only damage would be within my own space.

There is already four holes in the wall that I'd have to cover before Dove saw them.

I know a meeting is taking place right now and I'd been waiting almost two hours for Gunner to come give me insight into what's going on.

I look out over the balcony and into the darkening sky, my lip curling knowing Dove would be spending another night in Class. My hands form into fists as I rest them behind my head and groan out of frustration.

My patience thinning drastically.

"Rage" Gunner calls through the door as he knocks loudly. I hurry over and unlock the door, letting him in and closing it behind him.

"What's going on?" I ask, Gunner looks hesitant when he senses my rising anger.

He opens his mouth before closing it and shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, mate" he apologises. A red haze glazes over my eyes.

"What the fucks that mean?" I calmly ask as I distance myself from Gunner, afraid of what I'll do.

"We're not going tonight" he confirms. He begins to walk towards the door as I stand in silence. The last two nights I've been told the exact same thing and I'm done with it.

The dresser's the first thing I take my anger out on. The whole thing falling to the floor, a mix of Dove and I's clothing falls out the drawers, everything on top of it rolling along the ground and disappearing under the bed.

"Rage, stop!" I hear Gunner say but nothing breaks me out of it, I'm fixated on destroying everything within sight. My bedside table is next. I pick it up and throw it at the opposite wall; another hole is added to the collection.

"What the fuck is going on?" I hear Ryder next as he appears at the door and stands beside Gunner. Neither of them attempts to stop me, knowing they'd only get hurt.

I make my way to the closet, ready to tear the fucking thing apart when my eyes find the bag I took to Class. Dove's clothing sticks out the top as well as her documents.

I pause for a second before grabbing the bag and dumping the entire thing onto the floor, papers flying everywhere.

"Rage?" Gunner stands behind me as I kneel to the floor grabbing the papers and flipping through them.

I find what I'm looking for before I gather it all and push past both Gunner and Ryder.

I make my way down the hall, determined to get Dove back as soon as possible.

"Fucking move" I say as I push past people without another thought, making my way to Serge's office.

"Rage you're not allowed in there" Ryder calls from behind me. I ignore it and burst through the door.

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