Chapter 3

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★ Three ★

The morning sun kissed the facade of St. Peter's school, casting a golden glow over its majestic red-bricked structure. As Raven parked the car in the parents' parking lot, just a short walk from the school's main gate, and stepped out, the school revealed itself like a timeless fortress. The red bricks, neatly aligned, seemed to whisper the stories of generations of students who had walked through its halls. Stepping through the open gate, there at the heart of the courtyard stood a white-stone statue of Mother Mary holding Baby Jesus on her arm, seemingly welcoming the children as if she was quite ready to grab adopt each one them.

Around her, schoolchildren strolled through the main gate, calling one another and chatting up after the long summer break. Fresh streams of morning sunlight painted patterns on the polished windows, and they gleamed and sparkled like thousand flashes of camera. For some, this place was a second home, filled with familiarity and comfort. Yet, for others, it represented a place they wished to avoid at all costs. Kindergartners, in particular, squirmed in their parents' arms, their cries echoing the universal reluctance 'No! No!'.

While Gaius and his sisters remained in the car, Raven hurried inside to buy a new uniform for her son. Returning, she found a group of eighth-grade girls surrounding the car, giggling and chatting with Reishel. They greeted her warmly, and even had a few things to gush over.

"We saw your Maldives vacation picture on Reishel's WhatApp statuses. You and uncle were so romantic!" they bubbled, words flowing with the excitement of youth.

"It's like you guys are still dating..."

"Seems like you really went and had some fun..."

Raven joined in their laughter, enjoying their teasing camaraderie.

"Well, what can I say? I'm not so romantic but your uncle... I just have no words," Raven gave a dramatic sigh, seamlessly blending into their group. The girls squealed and laughed and hit each other. Raven wasn't just a friend's mother to them; she was like one of them. They loved her cool, teasing approaches.

Raven ushered the twins out of the car to give Gaius his privacy as he changed inside.

"Mummy, isn't Mocha coming to school?" Parmoi asked as she slid out of the backseat.

"Mocha is coming. He needs to wear his uniform now."

"But why didn't he wear it at home?"

"The one at home doesn't fit him anymore."

"Did Mocha grow bigger again?" Warmoi asked, wide-eyed.

"Yes. He did."

"Why is he always growing bigger?"

"Because he eats a lot of healthy food."

As she automatically fielded their questions, a skill honed by years of mothering inquisitive twins, Raven glanced up the nearby street where students who lived in hostels and those who rode the school bus were making their way to the school. And, as usual, she couldn't help but observe teenage girls blushing as they glanced at their car, their eyes filled with curiosity about whether their crush, Gaius, was inside. It always amused her, especially considering how bashful her son could become in response to such attention. Fortunately, the SUV's tinted windows shielded them from the sight of Gaius changing.

Another SUV came and parked one car down the street. Raven watched the driver emerge and open the backseat door. Out came Hringni Daryal, daughter of a rich Contractor, dream-girl of both junior and senior boys, Gaius included.

A brief introduction of Hringni Daryal -
Rich popular girl at school and the subject of Gaius's secret admiration. While Gaius had yet to take the plunge and ask her out, Hringni appeared to savor the attention, all the while skillfully concealing any signs of being affected by it. Renowned as the "beauty-with-brains" amongst the students, she effortlessly ruled the academic domain and found herself in an eternal rivalry with Gaius for the elusive top position. With her charm, intellect, and effortless grace, she was a force to be reckoned with.

Signed, GaiusWhere stories live. Discover now