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Rachel's POV 😈

I sat in the back seat of a black Ford. And drove nowhere. The driver, a brown-haired elderly man, sat at the steering wheel and sometimes looked at me through the rear-view mirror. I sighed.
"Where are we going?" I asked the driver. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and replied "You will see when you are there, ungrateful piece" he hissed the last part of the conversation. I didn't understand why I was an ungrateful piece. I was seventeen and, as others would put it, a gothic girl. Black short hair, snow-white skin, I only wore black clothes, a leather jacket and such. But that didn't make me an ungrateful piece. "Sir, why do you think I am a ungrateful piece?" I asked the driver. He looked at me through the rearview mirror and replied "you are one of those children with special skills, ... and I am paid to drive you through half the country just so that YOU can end up living among like-minded people!" . Yes, he was right, I was someone special, but that was never my wish.

A few days ago the government announced that all 'weirdos' would either be delivered to laboratories or killed, in principle both amounts to the same thing. Dead or dead, there was no choice.

The news had reached me at school, I went there without having parents, I lived alone, my parents had been dead since I was fourteen. I was never looked after by anyone; I had my parents' estate, a few items of clothing, and some money. Not much but enough to make ends meet. I didn't have any friends, I didn't talk to people when I didn't have to, and neither did they with me. I thought about myself and my bad past until after a while I fell asleep.

" Wake up!" The rough voice of the driver built into my dream. I was startled. Then I looked out the car window. There stood next to the driver a short, somewhat plump man with a gray hairline. He smiled at me, but I didn't smile back. It just wasn't in my nature. "Hello Rachel, I'm happy to see you here. Come on get out, then we'll go to your new home and I'll introduce you to your comrade. "He said with a big smile. I just nodded silently and struggled out of the black metal box.

The guy who appeared to be the circus director of the huge tent I was standing in front of, led me up another hill to a secluded spot full of trailers. The caravans looked different, each somehow individual. However, I was much more interested in the people who lived in these cars. The circus director strutted to a bell that hung in the center of the trailer. He hit a stick against it and a loud 'dong' sounded. Suddenly something moved in the trailer and gradually several young people came out of them. They all looked strange. One wore a mask that covered his eyes, another had dark pink hair and green eyes, another boy was partly a robot and another girl had red black hair and was very pale. There were many of them and they kept growing. At some point the circus director listened to the bell to people and there were at least thirty young people in front of me. The director counted them quietly. "Wait a minute!" He said, "Where's Beast Boy?" Everyone looked around, then shook their heads and looked helplessly at the headmaster. "Here I am, don't worry." I suddenly heard a voice behind me. As I turned my head I saw a green haired boy who smiled at me with a smile that could have melted me. I felt my cheeks get hot, that had never happened to me before, but now it was happening and there was nothing I could do about it.

"As always, you're late buddy, aren't you?" said the robot boy. "Hey hey, I still had something to do. Boss of the caravan is prepared, I just don't understand why I should do it." said the green haired boy to the circus director and he just grinned. "Beast boy, you've done your job and the new member of the family has arrived ... you're smart, put one and one together." replied the circus director. "Oh, I see, you..."Beast boy pointed at me, "should move in with me in the trailer."
" correct." said the circus director with a smile.I was confused that I should live in a caravan with a boy, and then with this boy too. What should I think of that?

Time jump

I was sitting in Beast boy's trailer, it was evening and I was sitting in my bed reading a book while Beast boy was in his bed playing a video game. While reading, I always looked over at him briefly. It had been three weeks since I got here and I was sort of settled in. I didn't know everyone who lived here, but at least I spoke to some of them. But above all I had started to dare to speak to Beast Boy, even though our topic of conversation was actually always my nickname, because everyone here had nicknames. "Hey Rachel, how about Raven?" said Beast boy and smiled at me. I liked the nickname. "Yes that's good." I said, he smiled. "You already know that the name fits you, right?" he said. "Yes, I think. Why do you ask?" I answered. "well, ravens are dark, misterious, somehow magical and beautiful just like you." he said with a shy smile and red cheeks, but he didn't look at me. I blushed, did he just call me beautiful ?! Yes, he really did!

"Dong, dong, dong" rang the bell outside. I got up but Beast boy starred into the void and then jumped up and then pulled me onto the bed. "What are you doing ?!" I asked. "I'll help you, ringing three times is a warning signal. It means the government or the police are here, and where the government or the police are, it's dead for someone like us!" he whispered fearfully. Fear spread through me and a little uneasiness. Maybe Beast boy was wrong, maybe they were playing a trick on us. So I looked out of one of the windows but before I did it, a bullet flew through the window and barely missed my head. No, it wasn't a joke, it was serious! I hugged Beast boy and closed my eyes.

Then I heard a door crash, voices screaming, the unloading of weapons and men who placed themselves in front of us and probably pointed their weapons at us. I felt Beast Boy's heart beating faster. "I think your miserable life ends here!" said one of the men. "It's not the end, not while I can still do something!" replied Beast Boy with a firm voice and stood up. In the meantime, I had opened my eyes again and let go of him. He glared at the men who had all their guns pointed at him. Suddenly his eyes started to shine blue and then a light shot out of his hands that seemed to fall on the ground, where it transformed into a tiger. The tiger roared and jumped at one of the four men. When the tiger had killed two more of the men, only the last one was left. and I decided to do that. I killed the man with my demon powers. "You are awesome raven!" Beast boy said and took my hand and pulled me out of the trailer.
Outside, the whole place was destroyed, in some places it burned and the caravans were almost all damaged. All the others were gone. "Where are everyone else?" I asked Beast boy. He hadn't let go of my hand and I hadn't let go of his, but neither did I want to. "I know where they are, but to get there I have to carry you." he replied contrite. I looked at him strangely but then nodded and said "All right, then let's go." He smiled in relief and then picked me up and I put my arms around his neck and grinned into myself.

To be continued....???


should I write and publish another part or not? Do you want to know how things will continue and whether the two will get together or not? And where are the other 'weirdos'?
Just say yes or no.

💀 bye 💀

BBRAE one Shots ( I'm stupid and sorry for that) 😈Where stories live. Discover now