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"Dada, can I be your plus one?"

His mother's delighted laughter reached him in seconds after seeing him. She stopped the woman tying her Gele and stepped off the makeup chair to look him over. 

"Look how Ma Sha Allah you look, wow!" His mother let her eyes sweep over him, her eyes crinkled in happiness and excitement. Tears looped at the corners of her eyes and she walked to the side stool where she carefully wiped them with a tissue. 

"Dazzy, please finish my head tie quickly, you see how my son has taken away my shine." AbdulRahman who was now reclining lazily on the sofa, his babban Riga taken off and laid upon another sofa to avoid wrinkles chuckled. 

"Please Dada, I hope you know none of your children are getting married, look how beautiful you look, if I didn't know well enough, I'd have said you were giving a child away today." The rest of the wait staff in the room laughed very loudly, while his mother waved her index finger at her lazily smiling son for teasing her. 

Soon, she was done and they took pictures and were ready to leave. At the awning while they waited for the driver to pull up in front them, Dada stopped in front of her way taller son and pulled an errant thread that must have skipped his tailor's eye after embroidery. She patted him afterwards and stepped back with a nod of her head and a twinkle in her eyes. 

"This shade of brown does wonders for your skin." AbdulRahman nodded, a lump in his throat, he wanted to go back inside and sleep the night away but since he had attended the wedding fatiha the previous day, he wanted to attend the dinner to finish it up. 

It was hurting a little bit because he and Nai'mah did this together, they went to weddings and birthdays, every single event together and he almost didn't know how to go alone.

He raised his shoulders mentally and helped his mother into the seat behind the driver before seating himself gingerly beside her. His Babban Riga crinkled noisily as he sat. 

"Are you leaving early?" His mother asked as the driver wound into the VIP parking lot at the event center behind their escort patrol van. 

"No. Ten is considered early enough isn't it?" He asked his mother with a raise of his slicked down natural bushy brows. She smiled at him and told him to stay a little later than ten, before getting off. Greeting one of her socialite friends almost immediately after stepping off the car. 

"Please keep your phone on, once anyone calls, get ready to go immediately." He instructed his mother's driver as he stepped off the car and adjusted his attire, a brown getzner that he had sent last minute to his tailor after his discussion with Tahir days before. 

"You're not the ango, what's this overdressing?" AbdulRahman rolled his eyes as Tahir came out of the shadows and locked his car, his car gave a beep and went silent. 

"Salam Alaikum Tahir." His friend looked him up and down before grudgingly responding to his greeting. 

"Why did you dress up? Now, all the girls that would have looked at people like me will turn all their attention to you. How am I supposed to get married?" AbdulRahman rolled his eyes again and refused to respond to his friend, walking forward like he didn't hear Tahir. 

"Eh! I'm talking to you na?" Tahir grabbed his arm and  AbdulRahman in a fit of petty looked his friend up and down in the same way he'd been looked at earlier and asked him with a smirk, "Who told you to wear neon kaftan to the wedding fatiha yesterday? How can they take you serious when you're a lemon sign flashing everywhere they turn?" 

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