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Every story has a start

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Every story has a start.

Wow. Touching.

Shut up.

No, truly. You've moved me. It's impressive.

This is why McGonagall doesn't like you, James.

Ah, Lucy, c'mon, how could Minnie not like me?

What I MEANT to say is we're taught to believe everything has a start and a finish, right? Like with stories.


But it doesn't always roll that way. It makes sense to think of it that way. Like a structure. Truth is it's hard to label a start and a finish to anything.

Right. It's hard, considering everything we do, and even what OTHER people have done affects us all the time.

You're saying you don't believe in fate?

You said just yesterday YOU don't believe in it.

Heh. I did.

Can't say I don't believe there's something. I reckon sometimes you just kind of feel that pull. Something bigger than yourself.

That is true as well.

It's terrifying, innit?

The thought of your life somehow being already planned out no matter what you do? Absolutely.

So we agree?


We overthrow fate and the higher powers.

Such an ambitious goal.

When have my plans ever come short?

Okay, count me in.

As I always do!



What if we find there's actually nothing to overthrow?

Well, it'll still be a fun ride, no?

All right, Potter.

All right, Stewart.

All right, Stewart

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Catharsis | James Sirius PotterWhere stories live. Discover now