August 30th

15 1 0

We sat around the table going through the people that where gone and watching a weird messenger blink.

"Is it still going?" I asked Bruce.

"Y-yeah, just blinking." He turned and looked at me.

I stood up and walked over to the glass that it was behind and hit it a little. "That symbol, why is it there? What does it mean?!" I was freaking out a little.

Nat walked over and put her hand on my shoulder. "Just relax we will figure it out."

"It stopped." Bruce said. "Whatever it is it stopped blinking.

I looked at it and something in the room changed, I quickly grabbed a screwdriver that was on the table in front of me and turned holding it against a girl's neck.

"Where's Fury?" She asked.

"Who are you?" I moved closer.

"Where is Fury?" She asked then grabbed the end of the screwdriver and melted it.

I looked at the symbol on her suit and it was the same as the one of the messenger.

"It was signalling you?" I walked over and opened the glass then took the little thing out.

"Don't touch it." Bruce mumbled nervously as I walked back over.

"This, this was Fury's. Why was he messaging you?" I held it up to her.

"Maybe because half the universe is dead, I assume Fury's gone." She looked at it.

"Yeah, that was where he vanished. Must have you on speed dial." Nat said.

"But if half the universe is dead why would he contact you? I mean sure you're just melted a screwdriver but what can you do about it now?" Rhodes asked.

"Kill Thanos, get the stones." Carol was cocky but I loved it.

Thor stood up. "When Thanos was in control of all the stones he could barely handle the power. Why would you be able to?" He asked.

"I'm a lot stronger than him." She replied.

"Ok it's settled we find Thanos and she kills him, how do we find him?" I looked around.

"There was a daughter of Thanos on that ship with you." Thor pointed at Rocket.

"Gamora, yeah. Listen pal I was on that ship then left with you, they said they where going to Knowhere. They might still be there but the chances are pretty low." He explained.

"Why don't we just go there?" I asked.

"We need to find Tony first." Steve walked over.

"What if he's dead, how will we even find him?" I asked.

"Well we have to try." Steve walked over to me.

"Listen I love Tony but we need to end this before we do anything else." I stood at his chin height.

"We're finding him first." Steve walked away from me and ended the discussion.

"I can fly up and look around wherever to try and find him, if I do I will bring him back." Carol said.

"Ok, how long to you think that will be?" Nat asked.

"Not long." Carol left.

Carol had been gone for a really long time, I was worried and it had been more than a week, I guess there is a lot to see up there.

It was getting dark and she still wasn't back, I wanted to apologize to Steve for being a bitch but he was still in the bathroom so I just knocked.

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