Part 11

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You ran  to the door and as you turned To see  Lorraine and Ed smiling down at you...

Your eyes began to well with tears and you threw your arms around Lorraine

"thank god your here!"

She hugs you back "we came as soon as we could.
Y/n we have alot to catch up on.."

You sigh and invite them both  in.

She already looks at you  as if she knew something was wrong..

Ed shuts the door behind him and you all head into the living room to sit down...

Arne walks through the the kitchen to get everyone some drinks...

"what's happend...? Why were the police outside.. y/n are you Okay!"

You shake your head "im fine.. Its just well... I think Arne is getting worse.... He... Killed a cat last night.. I tried to hide it in the woods I think someone found it... The police came questioning us..."

Lorraine shakes her head "I think its best to keep the  ones in power out of all this... They don't usually beleive in it and would probably get Arne arrested..." she  looks at Ed...

Ed sighs "it's starting to have more control over Arne... A animal is a sacrifice... Now he has killed a living thing it can start somewhere  and usually they will start killing humans... We are going to have to start the exorcism as soon as we can..."

You nod "yeah I think its best..."

Arne walks in with the drinks and places them down looking at everyone...
"please.... I don't want to hurt anyone"

Ed sighs "it isn't fully attached to you yet it isn't strong enough too.  last night killing the cat was probably the strongest it had been so we need to get it out and away from you both  soon"

Lorraine looks at Ed and smiles then speaks up "your gran used to wear has been passed down for years.. "
She points at your necklace..

".. Those who Wore it was granted  protection from the ones in the dark...your gran used to say... And you know what it worked" 

Lorraine smile fades.. " I don't know what made her  stop wearing it?

Arne holds your hand you look at him and he looks so happy yet so scared he was holding so much back right now...

Lorraine smiles at you to
.." you remind me of when me and Ed were young" she said giggling..

You and Arne smile at her.

Ed claps his hands together "well I suppose we start setting up "

You all stand up " there is a spare room it has a few boxes here and there but you can move them around  it should be fine"

Ed smiles "great arne come help me"
They both make there way upstairs

Lorraine and you remain down stairs...

"you must have so many questions" she said gently

You smiled back... But it soon fades
"to be honest I did but now... Everyhing is just so unreal I don't know we're to start... ."

She put her hand on your shoulder...
"well if you ever need to ask me anything ill always be here, I know we aren't close but I consider you as family.."

You smile and hug her
.."thank you"

She hugs you back "no need to thank me"

"so how long have you been seeing Arne?"

You shake your head "wow with all this stuff going on I don't even know maybe a month nearly two? I'm not sure haha".

She smiles "I can tell your love is strong you both have the same energy me and Ed have.. Its pure, your granmother would be so proud"

You smile at her.. You talked for awhile about other stuff she told you more about her and ed..

Soon enough the sun had fully set and the moon was High.. You and Lorraine  both walk upstairs  to see how Arne and Ed are doing.

Once you get upstairs you can smell candles burning.
You walk into the spair room and see the boxes have been moved out the  way candles around the room and Ed stood there flicking through the pages of his Bible.

Your shoulders tenced up a little Lorraine  put her hand on your shoulder to ressure you...

Arne looked at you and smiled "I'll be fine"
You run over to him and hug him
He hugs you tight

Lorraine and Ed start getting some other things ready and Arne whispers to You "if anything gets to out of hand you might need this..." he passes you a little hand gun

You shake your head "no..."

He looks at you with a sad expression... "I just want you to be safe please take it..."

You take it placing it in your back pocket... You obviously won't need to use it...

Ed puts salt around the floor just to be safe
Lorraine stands with Ed holding her cross..

You hold your necklace standing back from them near the door...

Arne sits down on the floor as Ed starts reading from the Bible..

Arne began to twitch a little and the lights began to flicker... The room that was once warm is now ice cold...

You held your necklace tighter...

Lorraine looked back you...then moved closer to Ed holding his hand they both began reading from the bible 

Arne started screaming and stood up holding his head  .. And his back began to arch...
You covered your ears shaking.. His screams sounded so painful but also sounded like something else was  screaming... It was a low growl like scream that made your skin crawl...

Soon enough the lights were fully out...
And out of no where a large amount of wind filled the room making the
The candles blow out and salt move away and scatter... ... The only light In the room Was the moon light from outside ....

Arne stood still with his back arched...
It was dead silent...

Ed walked close to him "arne..."

Arnes posture went back to normal making all his bones crack he grabbed Ed and pushed him full force Into the boxes...

Ed screamed In pain and fell to the ground...

You covered your mouth... You were to scared to even say anything...

You saw Lorraine run over to Ed and Arne slowly walked over to you... You Could see his ghost like eyes staring right through you as if you were nothing more...

You held your necklace again closing your eyes you felt him leave past you as  he ran out the door...
Leaving the house...

You sighed in relief and as soon as he left the lights came back on... You didn't need to use the gun...

You looked over to Ed and he was wounded... The wood sticking out from the box went through his shoulder...  He had passed out due to bloodless..

Lorraine looks up at you with a sad expression... You both didn't know what to say. she held down on his wound to stop the blood from flowing out. and you ran to call a ambulance for Ed...

With Arne gone this was bad....

But for now you needed to get Ed to the hospital.

Arne Johnson x reader {devil made me do it} Where stories live. Discover now