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Alarm clocks were some of the most annoying objects in the world. People had made them for the purpose of waking up at the time they wanted to and even though they were their creators, they hated them still, for their precious sleep was ruined. Having to put an alarm to wake up was rather off-putting, but there was something that was even worse.

Waking up before the alarm started ringing.

Bada had set an alarm early on in the first place, having thought in the late hours of the night when she finally got to bed that waking up to head to the training grounds of her department was a good idea. After all, she hadn't trained this week so far and despite the fact that she had only been called to stop a criminal from wrecking chaos once, she still needed to be in top condition in case she were to fight. So she did indeed set her alarm early.

That wasn't the reason she woke up, though.

She felt as if she couldn't breathe, as if someone had taken her pillow and had put it over her nose and her mouth. She pulled back the moment she realized it, completely awake as she turned her head to the side to breathe, eyes wide to see what the danger was, heartbeat erratic.

Until she noticed a fluffy black kitten sitting right at the place her head had been before.

"Geomeun," she croaked, disapproval evident in her tone, although she made no move to push him off of her pillow.

It was early and her call with her grandmother just the previous night had put some of her worries to rest – apparently, even though the kittens weren't vaccinated, Anne had thought to take them to a vet to ensure they were healthy before taking them home. Now she officially knew the kittens didn't have flees she felt more at ease with having them in her bed. She admitted to herself she was lucky, though – in case the kittens had flees she would have had an issue with them for sure.

Bada didn't have much strength to push herself up this early in the morning although she managed in the end, blinked in an attempt to ensure her vision wouldn't be so blurry and looked around for Geomeun's companion. Yet the little kitten with the grey and white fur was nowhere to be seen.

Bada glanced at her alarm clock to check how much time she had before she needed to leave work. The glare she sent to the little kitten on her pillow was instant the moment she registered the hour.

He had woken her up an hour early.

"This is too much work," she grumbled to herself as she left the bed, narrowing her eyes at Geomeun's figure who seemed to snuggle even closer to her pillow at her absense. It was evident he had taken over her bed.

With an hour to spare, she decided she would take a shower to start her day to ensure she wouldn't fall asleep later on. So she entered the bathroom with her work clothes at hand, all the while taking careful notice of the space around her for any sign of Jakda. He wasn't there, though, and so she closed the door of her bathroom and got in the shower. She was leaving a while later and she moved to get dressed, keeping her hair trapped in a towel for as long as she could. When she left the bathroom—her feet sliding against the floor instead of walking—there was no sign of Jakda around still.

Bada didn't worry. She knew he was around the apartment somewhere and so she headed to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. And it was then she caught sight of Jakda's small form, sitting right beside the now empty bowl of food.

"There you are," she murmured, her tone betraying her fondness as she looked at him. "Did you go for a midnight snack?"

Bada knew she wasn't making sense. Midnight had passed hours ago and she was talking to kittens as if they would suddenly start talking back to her, but she didn't mind. After all, there was no one around to judge her.

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