Chapter 13

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Taehyung didn't lie- he really did take Jungkook's words to heart and that could be seen through his drastically changed attitude towards Jimin.

He didn't snap at his servant anymore, he always spoke politely and gently. He also smiled at him frequently. He started saying 'thank you' for trivial things that used to be absolutely normal to him, such as serving him meals, dressing him, lighting the candles, making his bed for him, preparing the bathtub for him and so on. Jimin seemed to have noticed his sudden change in behaviour, perplexed as to why his prince was being so utterly sweet out of nowhere but not questioning it and maintaining his usual kind-of fussy attitude.

He also kept his word and planned on speaking his brother Namjoon after dinner, to ask him what he knew about the woods. He had not had a private conversation with him for... months? Years? The thought of it made him extremely nervous. Would his sudden interest in the usually so uninteresting woods raise suspicion? Namjoon was smart after all, and kind of observant.

Nevertheless, he thought of how much Jungkook would probably rely on him and mentally planned out everything he wanted to say while sitting at the dinner table, not being able to eat much. Considering what he was actually willing to do for his new friend, you could say he was kind of attached to him already. You couldn't blame him, as a crown prince, he was never allowed to have any friends and this experience was extremely new, but pleasant, for him.

When dinner was over and the royal heirs strutted out of the dining room, Taehyung cleared his throat as soon as his parents were out of reach. "Namjoon?" His brother caught his eye, looking quite surprised. Seeing the urgency displayed in the younger's gaze, he excused himself, shooed his guard away for a moment and halted in his step. "Taehyung, what a surprise. What seems to be the matter?"

Taking a quick look around to make sure no one was listening, the blue-haired male lowered his voice. "I... I wanted to ask you something that has recently piqued my interest. I figured you would know best, as you spend all your time outdoors. Anyhow, I want you to tell me everything you know about the woods." Namjoon raised his eyebrows, clearly not having expected this.

"Brother, how is it that you suddenly feel interest in that place? When we were children, you always told me you never wanted to step one foot in there for it sounded like a horrid and eerie place to you!" Taehyung shrugged, trying to appear as casual as possible.
"I read a book, it was filled with the most wondrous stories. Dryads and elves, living among the thick branches and green leaves of the forest. It was a truly thrilling story and I find myself to be drawn to that mysterious location." It was only half a lie, he did read a book about dryads and elves, and he did find the thought of them beautiful.

His brother laughed heartily, not in a mocking but fond way. "Ah, Taehyung. You are still the same, reading your books and fantasizing over preposterous things. Say, do you still sit in that garden pavillion every afternoon to read those stories? Father says we ought to have it removed." Taehyung widened his eyes.

"Wh-What? Remove Rosal-- my garden pavillion? He can't do that!," he stammered, feeling a harsh blow inside his chest. Namjoon smiled at him apologetically, patting his shoulder briefly. "He merely suggested it, but I do not agree with him. If you enjoy spending time in that pavillion, it should stay there as it is your part of the garden. But you know how father is, a bit of a narcissist. I suspect he wants to build a statue instead, a statue of himself, of course." Now, the crown prince did not know whether he should feel sad or angry.

"Father just loves displaying his power everywhere. He is so egocentric! If he really-- really does that and I cannot persuade him otherwise, I will have that statue ripped off the day of my coronation!," he exclaimed, choosing to feel angry instead of sad for now.
"There, there. I don't think he would be that heartless but I will try to prevent it from happening, father does listen to me and takes my words to heart. Sometimes."

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