Chapter 10: "I don't want to. I can't."

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- Aether - the blonde was sitting in his room feeling worse from the moment Kaeya told him how many people from Liyue and Mondstadt went to find the boy. How much has Xiao lived, rejecting others and calling them to the inferior. He wanted to tell them where he was, what he was doing, what happened to him. He wanted to, but he couldn't. -Aether, you're not going to give up now, are you? We are family remember. The family supports itself. And no matter where we are, home is always when we're together. - Lumine walked up to her brother, grabbing his arm trying to force him to look at her.

-Home.. Ah .. Yes .. Home is wherever we are together ...- he muttered casually.

- What about you Aether?

The blonde finally looked at her looking away from the window. He looked into her golden eyes, which in a way resembled those Xiao, warm golden eyes that always looked at him with some concern and yet another feeling that suggested how much Xiao loves Aether. He could no longer look at his own sister's face, so he immediately looked away again directing him to the window, which showed how Sakura flowers are blooming in Inazuma.

- Does not matter. - he replied after a moment.

Lumine clenched her jaw as she rose suddenly. She looked at her brother almost exploding.- Aether damn it! You've been down for a while, still ignoring me and totally not taking part in any missions! What's wrong with you?!

- I don't want to. I can't - he said.

Lumine snorted under her breath and looked at her brother's wound. The bandage that had been there for over three months began to turn black. She grunted under her breath again, then headed for the door, which was opened by Kaeya who stood in the doorway.

- Get yourself tidy. - she snapped. - Remember that they are our enemies Aether. There is no time for love or any other fucking meetings here. This is a fighting world that we must win. - She added leaving the room slamming large wooden doors.

Kaeya, who was still standing in the doorway, snorted under his breath. Whom did she dare call enemies? Certainly not them and he was himself.

He huffed under his breath after what he approached Aether, who was serving through the window in the stream of everyday life. From a distance, you can really see nothing except dry water and ice cubes on it. He closed his eyes feeling the tears under his eyelids then sighed.

- I know you have a hard time Aether. - The blue-haired man started sitting down next to him. He grabbed his hand in his and cut it off. - But believe me. You will meet Xiao soon. - Aether has on the plate with applications from tears with his eyes biting his lip. He tried not to cry for good, but remembering all the pleasant moments with Zhongli, Childe, Diluc, Albedo, or Klee and his loved ones, he started to cry. Kaeya, not knowing what to do, hugged Aether, who started shaking. - I promise you everything will be back to normal.


Dear Zhongli!

I know you may not know me, but I am one of Aether's friends who helped find him in Mondstadt. My name is Kaeya Alberich. I just wanted to convey that I found Aether. He is safe, but his mental state is .. difficult to say. I wanted to tell you to be on your guard. Aether's sister is planning an assassination attempt on Liyue and I would ask you to pass on the same to the people of Mondstadt. Unfortunately, I cannot tell them the same, because the guard and Aether's sister would suspect me of treason, which I am already guided by only to save our friend. The war is coming, but by joining forces we can win with the Princess. I am asking for one thing only, be ready for anything.


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