The Hosu Incident Part 1

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For the first half of the day we trained. Todoroki seemed to improve white it came to fighting up close and not depending entirely on his quirk. As for me, my skill with the jetpack improved as well. Previously, I had been trained on how to effectively so I was just a bit rusty and needed practice. I'm confident that in an actual fight against a villain it would be effective.

As time passed our lunching came around. The two of us sat and ate in the cafeteria as well as most other sidekicks and employees working here.

Just then Endeavor walked in and made an announcement that caught everyone's attention.

"After everyone has finished eating, we're heading out on a work trip to Hosu City, if he's going by his usual pattern then we know that this is where the Hero Killer will be at tonight. We'll hunt for him there and bring him to justice."

Once he said that there were whispers of unease amongst the sidekicks. I don't blame them considering what our target is. I've heard of him before, a dangerous criminal who's killed and severely injured a great many heroes. A man with vague motives, those that survived an encounter with him each recalled that his motive revolves around a dissatisfaction with Hero society. I don't blame them for being a little bit nervous.

Once everyone was finished, Endeavor gathered the two of us and a few capable sidekicks to take us to Hosu. I geared up and gathered all my equipment for it while everyone prepared as well. Afterwards when headed down to the train station and boarded the one headed to Hosu.

It took a few hours to get there and by the time we arrived the sun began to set. Once everyone got off, the sun was now nowhere to be seen. Night took over the sky and the moon emerged. Everyone then huddled together, awaiting Endeavor's instruction.

"Spit up into teams of three and search the area for signs of the Hero Killer. In the event you spot him, do not engage him. Track him without being spotted and immediately alert me of his whereabouts. If something unexpected were to happen prioritize that over searching for the Hero Killer," he then pointed to me and Todoroki, "the two of you will be with me and the rest of you, go off in your groups."

With that said, everyone went their separate ways. We searched threw alleyways and didn't find much. All the while Endeavor was giving some tips and advice for this type of work. I'll admit, he was certainly knowledgeable with this kind of stuff. However, not even 10 minutes later we were checking an alley when suddenly there was suddenly a loud boom. Immediately, we ran out into the street to see a clearer view. Down the streets not far from here we saw the glow of fire and smoke accompanying it. From here we were able to hear screams of terror and a horrible shrieking sound.

Immediately Endeavor turned to me and shouted, "Mandalorian, go on ahead without us, we'll catch up with you soon!"

I nodded and quickly took flight.

I was thrusted forward and made my way down to the chaotic scene

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I was thrusted forward and made my way down to the chaotic scene. Pro heroes had scrambled together down there but it was obvious that they were panicking and lacked control of the situation. Down there were these real ugly looking creatures causing all this destruction. They looked similar to the creature that attacked the USJ recently, so they had to be similar.

As one was about to strike a Hero that had fallen I quickly flew forward and landed a punch right to his head while stabbing into its shoulder. It roared loudly as I climbed up on top its back, stabbing it with my knives. Then I jumped right in front of its face and activating my jetpack. The exhaust fire struck and burned at its face until the creature collapsed.

Quickly, I helped the hero up and demanded that he flee the area as he was in no condition to help. As that happened the bigger Nomu shrieked and began charging at me. I stood my ground and began firing my blasters at him. However, no matter how many blaster bolts he got struck by they didn't have much effect aside from pain and slowing him down a bit. He seemed to have some healing quirk, making my blasters essentially useless against him.

He then jumped right in front of me and went in for a punch. I just barely managed to dodge it and flew into the air. In seconds, I mounted one of my wrist missiles and blasted it right at the Nomu. Upon making contact, the Nomu shrieked in pain.

Once the smoke cleared from it I could see that half of its skin got blown off or burned. Unfortunately, it had begun to regenerate its injuries. I don't think any attack I have will take this one down. I'd have to try and destroy its brain if I have any chance to defeat it, better yet disintegrate it completely.

As this Nomu began recovering, another flew down and tried to grab a Hero. However, it faltered and shrieked in pain when I plugged it wings full of blaster bolts. Unlike the other one, this one seemed to lack strong regenerative properties as it retreated with holes in its wings.

More time went on with me defending the heroes against the nomus and me doing the most work here. Once again a hero was about to be killed by a Nomu but I saved them by shooting it directly on its brain, killing it instantly.

However, my effort seemed almost in vain as the stronger Nomu jumped at her and was about to punch her head on. I knew it was in vain but I blasted at it anyway, knowing that a direct punch from it would likely kill her.

Suddenly, the Nomu was sent flying as is got struck by an extremely strong punch. Endeavor was finally at the scene and blasted fire at the Nomu. It had little effect until Endeavor got up close to it and burned its head to ash.

Endeavor then told us all to investigate a location on a street called Echo Street. That Todoroki had suddenly ran off yelling something about needing to head there immediately.

With that Endeavor went off chasing the flying Nomu, which had managed to abduct a hero.

I went ahead and began flying to the location with a sense of urgency. However, on my way there, my eyes caught sight of something on top of a small tower. I stopped accelerating midair and hovered, bringing my scope out to get a better look.

 I stopped accelerating midair and hovered, bringing my scope out to get a better look

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