night in town

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In a flash a boy appears in front of us. He has a big black bird head, probly a raven. His eyes look odd and his pupils are small. He wears a tight black cloak and a red choker. His big black boots look heavy and press into the dry ground.His face emotionless as he walks over to the whimpering boy.

"Oi brother, you forgot one" bakugou points to tail boys mom trying to crawl away. Her legs are broken and she's missing am arm. Blood trickles from her mouth as she struggles, each breath quick and rough.

The bird boy walks over to tail boy picking him up. Tail boy visibly shutters glancing up at bird boy with eyes full of fear. He then quickly closes them tight and silently cries. "...p-p-p-l-l-pl-please....d-d-do-don't ki-kill me or my mom" he says the last part fast and quiet.

Shinsou walks over to tail boys mom with a menacing aura. He kills her in one foul swoop snapping off her head and throwing it to bird boy who simply catches it with one hand then throws it behind him. "What's your name?" Bird boy asks tail boy who simply stares in fear completely paralyzed. This makes bird boy grab ojiros jaw in frustration. Fearing for his life tail boy answers the question.

"Ojiro, huh" bird boy seems slightly amused as he tightens his grip on ojiro. "My name is tokoyami"

I glance over at dabi and he looks back at me clearly knowing what's going on. We both look disgusted. I stare at the ground, my blue hair falls infront of my face.

"Let's sleep in one of these homes" shinsou carries his pet in one house. Tokoyami takes ojiro in another. Toga takes twice in one. Mr. Compress and kurogiri walk in another. So me and dabi decide to go in one aswell.

The door and porch is drenched in blood. It brings some color into the black crap out here. We push open the big black door. The first thing that catches my attention is a long wooden table full of dolls. It appears whoever lived here had kids.

I hear soft cries in the closet but dabi beats me to it already swinging the door open. I go lean over dabi's shoulder to get a better look. A small girl who appears to be about seven looks up at us. She has a cute little horn and shinny eyes.

"...ship" the young girl looks at us with a smile on her face. What does she mean 'ship' I turn around to check but there is no ships. "Ship?" Dabi asks with curiosity. "You guys look like a couple. Are you dating?"ship asks her face full of innocence. "We're not dating" dabi sighs and locks her back in the closet "you can come out when we leave" dabi turns and walks away. He's usually not like this. He never let kids live.

I follow dabi upsairs. The stairs are carpeted with a tall black carpet. My hand slides along the railing, my pinky finger slightly lifted.

Once we get upstairs and notice a small child's bed much too small for us and a single bed. The floor is hard and uncomfortable, there are no extra pillows or blankets either.

"I call dibs on the bed" I rush to the bed before dabi can even process what's going on. I pull the silky covers up. Dabi gets in bed with me... just as friends because it would be disgusting if I liked him.

(With denki and shinsou)

Shinsou carries me in the house, carries me up the stairs, puts me down in a bed and stares at me. I snap out of the daze I'd been in. I AM NOT A CAT!!! I'M NOT YOURS!!! STOP HOLDING ME!!! JUST. GO. AWAY. I scream all those awful things in my head not daring to say those things to him. Starting tomorrow I'm no longer yours. You hurt people.

I soon get pulled away from reality as sleep takes over. Just before I fall asleep I feel shinsou stare at the me and then chuckle as if he were plotting something.

(With bakugou, sero, and kirishima)

Bakugou carries me up the stairs. I feel a burning rage build up. I can't belive he didn't just let the woman live. I can't believe he helped kill Mina. I can't belive he's shinsou's brother, a prince!. I can't belive he won't let us go.

"It's stupid isn't it" bakugou tries to make conversation.

"What is?" Kirishima asks, a look of stupidity on his face.... I love him so dang much.

"Why give that dumb bird color when he is 95% pitch black" bakugou sounds annoyed as he lays down on the bed pulling kirishima on his chest then squeezing me close to him side.

We don't answer we just fall asleep. I would pull away if I had the strength...

(With ojiro and tokoyami)

A prince carries me a lowly piece of food into this house and sets me down in bed. I feel like it's all a trap. Why is he keeping me alive. I don't even know if I'll wake up tomorrow.

"Go to bed" Tokoyami tells me using one of his prince powers that immediately lull me to sleep.

"Tomorrow" Tokoyami whispers into the darkness


I don't really have any options for you. Sorry!

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