Side Chapter - Introductions, and Room Contest

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Izumi: "Now, who's introducing themselves first?"

Shoto: "I'll go. Hi. The name's Shoto Todoroki, but call me Shoto or Zuko if you want. My Quirk is Half-Hot, Half-Cold. I can produce blue flames on my left, and heavily durable ice on my right. My likes are everyone I care about, and Cold Soba. Dislikes are people that are on the same level of annoying as the Pomeranian. Hope we can all get along."

Everyone: "..."

Izuku: "... Way to be blunt, dude."

Shoto: "What, I thought we were introducing ourselves?"

Izuku: "You said it way too straight up. Not that I blame you or anything, though."

Shoto: Whatever. Who's next?"

Everybody raised their hands.

Izuku: "Well... This is gonna be a problem. How about we do lots? Like whoever gets picked will introduce themselves."

Shoto: "Well, looks like I'm gonna be left out of this. I've already done my introduction, so..."

Everybody then wrote their names on a small piece of paper and they all put them in a lot box that Momo made with her quirk.

Haru, who was in the side, was watching everything. He was on Reddit as usual, and he didn't really display any sort of interest to what was happening, but inside, he was happy that everyone was enjoying themselves.

Aizawa was still in the vents with the Compies, Cats, and Troodons, and they were doing some sort of ritual thing.

Eri was eating some apple pie and candy apples in the kitchen, and she was watching Pokemon while doing so.

With everyone, Momo picked out a piece of paper from the box, and it read...

Momo: "Err... Mezo Shoji?"

Shoji: "Looks like I'm up. Hello, everyone. My name is Mezo Shoji, and I'm in Class 1A. My Quirk is Dupli-arms. As you can see, I have 6 arms, and I can extend them and grow some other limbs on them, and I can also regenerate them if they get cut off. I also have this mask that I don't even know why I wear. Hope we can all get along."

Momo: "Next is... Rikido Sato?"

Sato: "Yo, my Name is Rikido Sato, and I'm in Class 1A. My Quirk is Sugar Rush. Every 10 grams of sugar I consume, I can convert it into physical strength, but I get tired after use. I can Bake and cook stuff, so if you need a meal, I can make it for you. Nice to meet you guys."

Hiriki: "You can cook, too, huh? I like you already."

Momo: "Next is... Hiriki Crimson. Perfect timing, Riki."

Hiriki: "Nah, that was just the author's doing-"

Author-Sama: "FUCK! Not the 4th Wall!" (Uses Overwrite)

Author-Sama: "FUCK! Not the 4th Wall!" (Uses Overwrite)

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