Chapter 27

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I rushed down the stairs, a little ways in front of the group. Juniper cried in her cage like usual, earning glares from Moody. Hermione joined me as the rest of the group stopped.

"Looking forward to being back?" She asked, a slight bounce in her step.

"I suppose I should be." I shrugged, "I don't know, last year kind of ruined it for me."

"Oh, it'll be great." She chuckled lightly.

"I hope so." I smiled, "I'm hoping to be captain this year."

"Oh, really? I'll be rooting for you."

"Thanks, Mione." I chuckled, following her through the platform.

Yet again, I marvelled at the beauty of the bright red engine. I slowly caught up with Hermione as she tapped her foot.

I followed her inside, cringing as Juniper caught the stares of others. I walked past Dean's compartment, giving him a small smile as I did so.

I sat down next to Hermione and she gave me a knowing smile.

"Yes?" I asked expectantly as I let Juniper out.

"So, Dean?" She asked, crossing one leg over the other, "You fancy him?"

"Oh Godric, Hermione." I let out a laugh, "It's hard to say."

"Because you fancy Harry?"

"Blimey!" I let out an exasperated sigh, "Stop reading my mind, it's unsettling."

She laughed as I settled down next to her, pulling out a book.

"It's scary how well you know me."

"Well, it's really not that hard. You're quite the open book." She laughed as I punched her shoulder.

"Oh, piss off."


I held Juniper's cage in my hands, rushing to get to the carriage. I knew if I waited too long, my fingers would fall right off.

I excused myself from the group and walked off the train. As I walked down the side of the train, I passed Malfoy.

"Tosser." I muttered.

"Slag." He spat.

I laughed, taken aback by the horrid insult.


He scowled, turning around and walking off. I whipped my head around, trying to cool down.

I found Elijah, sitting in a carriage with a few other Gryffindor boys. I slumped down next to him, leaning my back against him.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" He teased.

"You will not believe what Malfoy called me."

"Wanker." Cormac shouted out.

"No, it was definitely Minger." Jimmy argued.

"No, it was Twat, for sure." Ben laughed.

"Thanks, guys." I sighed, crossing my arms.

"Oh, c'mon." Elijah nudged me, "What did he say?"

"No," I turned my head, "You don't deserve to hear my gossip."

"Come on, Y/n." Cormac pushed.

"Fine." I let out a long sigh. "He called me a slag."

All four boy's voices rang out in protest.

"Merlin!" Ben slammed his hand on the seat, "He will never be forgiven!"

"He will be shamed forever." Jimmy chimed in.

"Oh, shut it." I grumbled, trying not to smile.

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