chapter 1 part 2 set up, set down

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After waking to the new day, you step out of the pod and began your daily set routine.
Dropping to the floor and started your 500 sets of reps, pushups, crunches, squats , and 200 pull ups.
After the warm up, y/n cooked himself Some breakfast: waffle on a mountain of eggs with seared sausage and  a glass of orange juice.
When finished with the meal you look at the current feed outside, nothing had happened during your sleep, but the radar and other technical systems began to pickup a rather odd signal 300 miles in the city from your location. The system began to intercept and pinpoint the signal all the while you eat your waffles with such delight, the texture of the blue berry and chocolate chip salivating you mouth. your glad you can taste but sad you can't feel anything else on your body. It was always bummer you couldn't feel the wind and sun on you skin nor feel pain at all, but those back at the forged needed soldier that couldn't fear pain and so far it worked. After awhile of eating the system managed to crack the coded the signal and began to play.

???: Sos signal deployed, I am in need of assistance, repairs needed, send resource rescue team immediately, I need immediate assistance, please send the resource rescue team immediately....

System AI : Sir the signal is not far from this location, recommend to proceed with caution and investigate potential lifeforms and potential enemies.

Y/n:aight I'll be down their in the jiffy, just need to load up and I'll be good,
  Afterword's, you began to gear up and out the door, heading to the new location.

y/n entered the small armory in the back, punching in the code in and opening the lockboxes. Revealing his war gear and armor, all in ceremonial colors of blacks and yellow. Dawning his gear he turned to one box that was locked behind lock and key. pressing his thumb on the lock, then removes it, opening the fine master crafted wooden chest to reveal the contents. his weapon,StarcoreVanquisher. Wielding it with ease, he inspected his pride and joy. After an hour or two he finally stepped out to finally go out and hopefully begin first contact.

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