The Hosu Incident Part 2

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With my scope aligned with my eye behind my helmet, I was able to get a visual on two figures. More importantly, these two people fit the description of the ones at the USJ very perfectly.

 More importantly, these two people fit the description of the ones at the USJ very perfectly

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They're likely the reason these creatures are here. No other hero has noticed them while a whole bunch of heroes are headed to where Todoroki is. It's up to me to confront these two.

I started to fly over there and stopped in front of them while hovering midair.

"You're the one's responsible for this attack and the one at the USJ facility, aren't you?" I called out to them.

"Well isn't that obvious, Mandalorian," the one with the hand spoke in a really raspy voice, "but that's not the point now that you're here. I must say that based on our observations, you're quite the threat. Perhaps my master was wrong about you this whole time, and perhaps should have killed you that night," he said in a taunting tone.

Anger contorted across my face, my very essence filled with fury. For his sake, he had better be talking about something else.

"What the hell are you talking about?!?!"

He then let out a maniacal laughter.
"Oh you know, the night of your parent's brutal murd-"

He didn't finish his sentence as I shot his shoulder and flew right at him. I shot the mist guy with an electric shock which in turn paralyzed him while I tackled hands guy to the ground.

"You know where All For One is, where is he !?!?!" I yelled as I aimed my blaster at his head.

The guy ignored me and just cackled, "and to think the Nomu at the USJ had the quirks he ate from your parents, I guess you could say they died for nothing."

Out of sheer anger I pulled the trigger. However, just as the blaster bolt was about to hit him, a portal appeared over his face, sucking in the blaster fire. A millisecond later a portal appeared right in front of me, causing me to get shot at by my own blaster. The blaster bolt struck me on my chest plate which caused me to fall of the building.

I hit the concrete and looking around and noticing my surroundings were now in alley. I looked up and saw that purple portal above me. A cold and ominous voice was heard from the end of it.

"If I'm not mistaken you were instructed to search for the Hero Killer, Tomura Shigaraki is not today's target."

I got up and tried to jump through it but the portal quickly closed. I then looked ahead into the alley and saw that therewas a fight going on. It was between Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida and the Hero Killer. For whatever reason it seemed as though Iida and Midoriya couldn't move, Todoroki on the other hand was on the defense.

I thrusted myself forward with my jetpack and punched the Hero Killer on the jaw as he turned to look at me. He stumbled back as he looked at me.

"What's this? Another child here to interfere with my culling of hero society. But you're Mandalorian, Mandalorians don't call themselves heroes but yet they represent what a true hero should be. Walk away now while you have the chance."

"And what is a true hero then?" I asked as I circled around him, pointing my sword at him.

"A true hero is someone he acts to help those in need without any selfish intent. So many so called heroes only act to boost their own egos, and to attain fame and wealth. They truly don't care for the people they're supposed to help. Mandalorians have never acted to reach such things, therefore making your people true heroes."

I then ran at him, slashing my sword at him. He raised his up and made contact with mine. It was now my Durasteel sword scraping against his steel one.

"Perhaps you have a point, Hero Killer. Why don't you tell me more about your ideas."

As I said that, the Hero Killer jumped back to avoid an ice attack from Todoroki. I turned to him as he shouted at me.

"It would be wise to keep your distance from him! If he cuts you and ingests your blood you'll become paralyzed like them!" He shouted while pointing at Midoriya, Iida and the other guy.

With that in mind I started shooting at him, but this guy was fast, really fast. Either my aim was off from my anger or he was just that good at avoiding all of my blaster bolts. Not only that but he managed to dodge all of Todoroki's fire as well.

"Because of greedy and false heroes all of these criminals have realized that the so called heroes are only in it for themselves, which makes the criminals bolder and deadlier because you have fake heroes at the forefront! Now you have a whole bunch of idiots calling themselves heroes and villains using their dangerous quirks for senseless things! A true heroes actions do not result in a rise of more villains, because of all these fakes more villains have appeared! All the fakes must be culled!" He shouted as he chased the two of us down.

We managed to avoid his attacks but as this was happening, I was deep in thought, taking his words to heart. Just then both Iida and Midoriya were freed from their paralysis and went to attack the Hero Killer. Since it was now a 4v1 we could easily tell the Hero Killer was becoming nervous and desperate. With each attempted attack becoming sloppier than the previous attack.

He made his final mistake by jumping into the air to avoid an ice attack. While he was in the air, Iida burst forward and kicked him hard on his face while Midoriya landed a strong punch to the other side of his face. As the Hero Killer fell to the ground, Todoroki shot fire at his face, knocking him out instantly.

When we realized he was unconscious, the other three took a deep breathe. It seemed that this fight took a toll on them and left them in a skaken mindset. Quickly, we found some rope and tied up the Hero Killer.

As we exited the alley while dragging the Hero Killer with us, all the other heroes found us. As they went to attend to Iida's and Midoriya's injuries, we were caught off guard by a loud shrieking noise. The flying Nomu had swooped down and snatched up Midoriya. Meanwhile, the Hero Killer broke free and chased it down, killing the Nomu and grabbing Midoriya.

Endeavor then showed up and noticed the Hero Killer, he was about to fight him but was stopped by some old guy.

A deathly aura then began to emanate from the Hero Killer as he began to speak. The atmosphere he had created froze everyone in place out of fear, everyone except me.

"You fake heroes! All of you are full of greedy intentions and desires of fame!You all are unworthy of the name hero! For that I will soak these streets in all your blood! I will retake the title of hero! The only one worthy of the name hero is Al...

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"You fake heroes! All of you are full of greedy intentions and desires of fame!You all are unworthy of the name hero! For that I will soak these streets in all your blood! I will retake the title of hero! The only one worthy of the name hero is All Might! All Might is worth-" the Hero Killer was cut off as he fell over unconscious, some noticing a hole of burned flesh on his thigh.

Everyone turned to look at me, seeing my blaster aimed at him and smoke coming out from its barrel. I lowered my arm and put the blaster inside its holster. I then turned my back on all of them and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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