Chapter 12

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Elijah was at her side when she woke.

"My head," she groaned as she sat up, feeling as though someone had bashed her skull in with a hammer. Droplets of water were cascading over her face, and everything smelled damp.

"Careful, Sister," said Elijah, pulling her slowly to her feet.

"What's going on?" she asked quietly, looking around at the grassy field she was in. "Where... where am I? Why is it raining?"

"Eisa, you've been missing for a day," said Elijah, scooping her up and letting her rest her head against his chest. "We could not find you. Do you remember what happened?"

She thought for a moment, then shook her head. "I... I don't know. I remember coming to the Bayou with Francis to look for the bones, and then... nothing."

"You do not recall your conversation with Rebekah over the phone?"


"You do not recall a conversation with me, later in the day?"

"I-I apologize, I don't remember."

Elijah sighed. "It's quite alright. Unfortunately, Sister, I must ask a favor of you."

"I can't even walk, and you need a favor?"

"The circumstances demand it. This morning, Davina began to throw up dirt, and several earthquakes tore through the French Quarter. Then, tornado-like winds blew through the city. Now, it is raining incessantly. Her magic is hemorrhaging, and the Harvest must be completed today. We offered for them to consecrate our mother in exchange for them performing a Locator Spell on you."

"Wait— what? You're allowing them to take our mother's power to—"

"It is necessary, Eisa, there was no other way. We needed to find you. Your phone was misplaced, and there was no way to locate you otherwise."

Eisa figured she didn't have much of a choice. There was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind, as if there was something monumentally wrong with this, and yet, the words, the memories, any hint of her reasoning would not come to mind.

"I don't feel well, Brother," she said when he tried to set her down, to have her walk on her own. "No— no, Elijah, I can't—"

"Have some of my blood," he offered, giving her his wrist. She bit in, and started to drink, but even once she felt it ease the ache in her head, her legs still didn't seem to be able to carry her without support.

"It's no matter, I will carry you," he said, holding her up once more. "Niklaus should have Esther's body by now. We must go to the plantation house."

Eisa was so used to being abruptly dragged into battle, that she didn't question it further. Still beneath the rain, they moved to the empty fields were a grave had been dug, with Esther's coffin being placed in it. Elijah set Eisa down just a few feet away from where Rebekah, Klaus, and Hayley, were waiting, all under three large umbrellas, while Father Kieran stood off to the side.

The instant Hayley saw Eisa, she dropped her umbrella, sprinting toward her and nearly knocking her down. "Woah," said Eisa groggily, leaning against Hayley's shoulder. "Not... really feeling the best."

"Eisa!" said Rebekah loudly as a clap of thunder nearly interrupted her. "Are you alright?"

She shook her head. "Can't quite recall what happened. I think my mind is addled. As soon as this is done and Davina is resurrected, I'd like her to take a look."

They nodded, and Rebekah and Elijah wrapped their arms around Eisa to hold her steady while Klaus and Hayley managed the umbrellas to cover them up.

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