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It had been a few days since Ruka found her parents' bodies and attended their funerals. She hadn't left her room or spoken to anyone, not even Kiba. He was worried about her, so he came by every day after school to tell her about his day and even left some dango in front of her door.

Asuma, Kurenai, and the Third Hokage stood outside her room, but she couldn't find it in herself to talk to anyone. It was strange since she barely knew her parents, considering they were rarely there for her and her brother due to their missions. But they were still her parents, and seeing their dead bodies had shocked her.

"I think it's time to tell Ruka about it," Asuma told his father. "She's not going to be pleased that we've kept it from her, and I'm not willing to keep it a secret any longer."

Hiruzen stared at his son firmly. "You won't speak a word of it to her, Asuma. Ruka needs to be ready first, and that's when we can finally tell her about the Cat."

"What are you talking about? Ruka's capable of handling it," Asuma defended his niece. "You even told me that this beast means her no harm. Why are you still waiting?"

"Ruka... I want her to have a normal childhood before..." Hiruzen trailed off hesitantly. "She's not ready for this, Asuma. I just don't want her to lose herself on the path of darkness."

Asuma looked up at his dad with concern in his eyes. "And what if she fully loses herself?"

"We will help her find her way."

"And what if we can't?"

Asuma was willing to help her, but what if one day he or his father were no longer in this world? Who would she turn to?

Hiruzen paused in silence. His son was right. He knew there would come a time when he would have to put his life on the line. The father and son may not agree on many things, but one thing they could agree on was not wanting to see Ruka unhappy.

"He would be the one to save her then. There's a reason why I put her on his team. Those two are alike after all."

Ruka stared at the katana in her hand, the one she had taken from her father. What was this void she felt inside her after discovering her parents' bodies? She felt detached from everyone and numb.

She got out of bed and placed the katana under her bed before leaving her room for the first time. She couldn't dwell on her feelings any longer, especially since the exams were tomorrow. "Big sister!" Konohamaru shouted at her. "Can I train with you?"

Ruka walked past Asuma, Kurenai, and her younger brother. "Not today, Kono," she whispered coldly, leaving the apartment and causing the young Sarutobi's excited face to fall.

Asuma smiled sadly at his nephew. "Don't take it too hard, Konohamaru. Ruka has been feeling stressed with the exams."

"But I miss her..."

Ruka ignored everyone's pitying stares as she walked past them to her favorite training spot. "Oi, Ruka!" Ruka glanced at Shikamaru calling her, with Choji and Ino. "Why don't you join us for a BBQ?"

Ruka looked at them, Choji smiling and Ino waving, but she looked away, ignoring her friends as she walked past. "She must be taking it too hard," Choji mumbled, which caused Ino toscoff. "Can you blame her? She saw her parents' dead bodies."

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