Chapter Two: Best Night I've Ever Had

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"A pregnancy test?" Gabriel questioned himself out loud. "Is Nathalie really having a baby? Does she even have a boyfriend? Does she even know who the father is? Will the test be positive?" More and more questions ran through his head.

"Master, what are you holding?" Nooroo asked. He looks very confused, while Duusu, who's floating next to him, looks very tense. Duusu's body is stiff like a rock. Is she hiding something?

"N-nothing." Gabriel quickly hid the test in one of the drawers of the nightstand. "The doctor told me to give it to Nathalie when she wakes up."

"If that's what you say, Master." Nooroo flew away, snatching Duusu's tiny arm as they both headed to the bathroom.

Gabriel started to think about what Nooroo said. Does she really love him? He knows that Nathalie is aware he has a wife. That would be so unlike Nathalie to be in love with a married man. The real question is, does he reciprocate the feelings she has for him?

He started to think back of the times Emilie was still with them. She was always busy because of her acting career and she was always out spending money. "I'm going to the shoot! I'll be back late at night! Love you guys, bye!" or "I'm going out shopping! I'll be back in a couple of hours!" was always her excuse. She spent most of her time out because of something 'important'.

Once, Gabriel gifted her a pendant for their 11th wedding anniversary. Within it is a picture of when they first met. The next day, he found it in the garbage. He picked it up and placed it inside his pocket. He never threw it away. Till this day, he still has the necklace he gave her.

"Sometimes, when someone we love disappears, we only remember the good things about them, and not the bad," his mother's voice echoed in his mind. She told him that phrase after his father had died.

Gabriel stared at Nathalie for at least a good five minutes. He looked at her lips. It was a natural peach pink color. Some of the gloss that was on her lips earlier was now gone, but he can still smell the sweet strawberry scent. He's so tempted to kiss her there and now, he leaned closer to her face, his lips only a few inches from hers when he stopped.

"A quick peck won't hurt, right?" he muttered silently.

He continued his way to kiss her, when he fell backwards out of bed. Nathalie, who was unconscious, is now sleeping peacefully. Nathalie turned to her side to get into a more comfortable position. That startled Gabriel, but he's relieved though. He now knows that she's in a better condition than before.

He checked the time, it was 2:48pm. Adrien is in his photoshoot with Lila. Should he inform Lila that their deal is over?

He took his phone out of his pocket and called Lila Rossi.


"Mr Agreste,what happened?!"

"There has been an inconvenience that I had to fix. And I'm here to inform you that the deal is over, Miss Rossi."

"What?!? What happened? The plan was going perfectly well!"

"This is a personal matter. You are not to get involved in this."

"But-, yes of course, Mr. Agreste."

*end of call*

Gabriel put his phone on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. Then he looked back at Nathalie. He saw her sweating. It's summer time in Paris, and he had to admit that it was very hot this time of the year. He hadn't realized that a bead of sweat was falling down his face.

"I need to take a shower."

He got out of bed, turned the AC on high so Nathalie wouldn't get hot, and walked to the bathroom.

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