Chapter Fourteen: Couldn't Quite Fix The Shoes.

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The summer flew by rather quickly, and Freya Grey had managed to produce more than a handful of tomatoes on her own. By the time it was time for her to board the Hogwarts Express, she ensured her mother would have enough to eat and finished enough translations to have pocket money for Hogsmeade(thank Merlin for the yearly ministry check they send as compensation for her father).

She caught sight of Regulus just as hugged his mother. Her stomach turned, and she straightened her posture, deciding instead to greet him on the train. Briskly, she moved to their usual compartment and hoped it wouldn't be taken by a foolish first year.

Thankfully, no first years were cursed, and she saw Severus Snape sitting by himself with his nose deep in a book. To be honest, it surprised her, she thought Sev would surely be off with Lily, but then remembered she was perfect.

Silently, he helped her get her trunk into the overhead compartment, despite his bony frame being only a couple inches taller than her. He wore ill-fit brown trousers and a light blue shirt he clearly did not like. It was all much too small for him and made it seem like he was giant squeezing into normal clothes.

He looked tanner than before, but his blue under eyes was still sickly prominent.

More than five minutes later Regulus still wasn't there and the train had begun to take off. Freya could not help the sick feeling in her stomach and picked nervously at the hem of her skirt.

This in turn made Sev nervous because he really didn't know what he should do or if he should do something.

"Who do you think made it to advanced potions?" Sev blurted.

Freya blinked, then thought about it. "Fleamont, Dobromila, and Lovegood ."


The curly-haired girl crossed her legs. "She's a nut, but she's genius."

The long-nosed boy considered this with a rather arrogant shrug of the shoulders. "I'd be surprised if any more than six students in our year passed their potions O.W.L.'s well enough."

Before Freya could respond, Regulus came into the compartment with a handful of treats. In a completely indelicate manner, he threw Freya a chocolate wand and practically threw his trunk in the top compartment.

He wore a black sweater she knew he didn't quite like and his hair was neatly curled around his ears.

Slouching down next to Freya, he placed his shiny shoes into her lap and got comfortable.

Freya rolled her eyes, but her posture loosened.

Once they were properly on their way to school, they changed into uniforms. Freya went to the bathroom since she wanted a mirror to ensure not a hair was out of place while Regs and Sev changed in the cabin.

Hair smoothed down to perfection, Freya was walking back to the compartment when she heard someone shout her name.

Her head turned to see James Potter bounding down the train bumping into some first years. His hair was a mess and his glasses were already askew.

Holding back a deep sigh, she waited for him to walk up to her. "Hello, James."

Catching his breath, he seemed very awkward as he held a pile of clothes together. "Um, I just wanted to return your clothes." He held them up to her. She grabbed them somewhat surprised at the neat nature and stared at him. "Mum washed them." James bounced on heels slightly, then remembered he was holding something else. "Couldn't quite fix the shoes..."

Her heart broke slightly at the sight of her broken heels, and she took them(already trying to think of spells to fix it). "Thank you." After a moment of James staring at her, she asked, "Is that all?"

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