Chapter Sixteen

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One quick thing before the chapter starts! Okay two! One I was wondering what you guys would like to read next? Another comedy or a drama, paranormal or fantasy? This story will eventually end and I have quite a few ideas!

Also I feel as if not as many people are voting as I'd love it if we could get each chapter up to fifteen votes!! If so I'll post a sequal!

As always, enjoy!

Chapter Sixteen

"Excuse us Veronica." Dominic grumbles, yanking me out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Crazy bitch?" I don't think I've ever seen Dominic this angry. He must actually care about Veronica. But don't worry, I'll get this settled quickly.

"She's saying you kissed her!" I protest. I put on my best puppy eyes. "Dominic she was really mean!" There's no way he'll be able to resist my adorableness! It's how I got Justin to do stuff for me! And he doesn't even think guys can be cute!

Dominic groans and lays his forehead against mine. I resist the urge to lean in and kiss his very alluring lips. "Tyler you can't just call her a crazy bitch. She's upset. Just let her be a little pissy." What?! He's taking up for her? She said she KISSED him! That's not being pissy! That's being physco!

"Dominic!" I pout, softly pushing him off me. "Did you kiss her?" I swear if he did...

"Not since we pretended to get engaged. She was probably talking about that babe." He leans in and kisses my head. "Now go apologize."

"Hell no!" I glare at him. If he thinks I'm going to apologize he must be crazy. She's the one who should be apologizing to me!

Dominic gives me a stern look and I know I've lost. I have to do it, even if I don't want to, or even me it. I just don't want to give Veronica the satisfaction of hearing me say sorry for something she deserved. Great. Just great.

"Fine." I grumble. But if I'm going to do this Dominic best be rewarding me! "But I want something in return."

"And that is?" He cocks an eyebrow


"What now?" His eyes are wide.

"You heard me."

Dominic shakes his head and I quickly give him a 'what the hell' look. He said no, to sex?! He was about to do it with me the other day! Now we know we both love each other so wouldn't that be an even better reason to do it?

"I got to thinking," he smiles at me, "and I want to wait until our wedding night."

I tremble with both fear and excitement. "What?" I stutter. Our wedding night? He's already thinking about getting married?! I haven't even decided what I want for dinner tomorrow! Ew and now that I'm on the subject of tomorrow, I have work.


MARRIAGE?! Am I ready for that?! I mean I love him and all but we've only know each other two months or so! I wanted to wait a bit!

"Whoa! Tyler! Don't think that's a propose or anything! I don't want to rush into things. I'm just saying now that I've realized how precious life is I want to start living everyday to the fullest-"


Dominic chuckles and runs a hand through my hair. "Wow, your hair,"

"Yeah, yeah. I know it's soft! And yes I use girl shampoo! Now get back to the point!" I'm getting impatient! What if he's just making up all these excuses just so he doesn't have to do it with me? What if he really is just with me because he feels sorry for me...?


"Tyler, we haven't even gone on a date yet. Hell I haven't even asked you to be my boyfriend yet! Which I'll get to soon, if you were wondering!" He licks his lips nervously and takes a breath. "I don't want to have sex with you just to get it over with. I want it to be special." I can tell Dominic was struggling to say what he means but I finally get it.

I remember how Rosa told me he had lots of lovers in the past, and if he were to do it with me now it'd feel like that- even if he does love me. But if we do it on a special day, such as our wedding night, it'd mean something more. It's like he's leaving his old ways behind and moving on to a new life. "You, are probably the sweetest person in the world." I grin.

He waves me off with a happy sigh, "I try."

"Now I got some apologizing to do!" I turn away and head toward the kitchen, back to the she devil. However before I make it out Dominic manages to slap my butt. I turn my head and look at him. "Really?" I chuckle.

"Mmh, you have a nice ass." He winks. I just roll my eyes and continue on.

When I finally do get into the kitchen I notice Veronica sitting crossed legged on the table. Well I guess I'll have to burn it not that she touched it with her slut ass. Dang, I liked this table too...

"Well Tyler have something to tell me?" She asks, smirking evilly. Her narrow brown eyes bore into my soul, making her even more devilish looking.

"Yup! First off you're not invited to the wedding. And second, I'm sorry you're a crazy bitch. Man do I feel better! That was good huh?" I smile cheerfully at her.

"You little bastard! If you think for a second he actually wants to marry you, you're the crazy one!" Once again she is steaming with anger.

"You know I'm the one who feels sorry for you. I mean you're actually a pretty girl, crazy, but pretty. I'm sure you could find yourself someone else. Someone equally crazy!" See, I'm being kind! The good guy! Dominic will have to be happy with it! I did everything he told me to!

"Now if you'd be ever so kind," I don't get the chance to finish because Veronica storms out of the house. Things went exactly as planned. I'm getting pretty proud of myself.

"What was all that?" Dominic asks, peeping his head into the kitchen.

I shrug and walk over to him. "I think you and I should maybe go on a date."

"Okay." He smiles.

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